Published By: Puja Sinha

Virtual Wedding Is a Thing. Here's How to Plan Yours!

Virtual wedding, completely at loggerheads with the usual pomp and vanity, is the new trend we are looking forward to!

Technology has surpassed to rival the concept of big fat weddings. Augmented and virtual reality have transformed the entire wedding extravaganza for many. With a virtual wedding, the couple has the liberty to set a something cosy and intimate with a few people physically attending and hundreds participating via internet. Drones swoop over to provide the best views to many of these virtual attendees. In a nutshell, these weddings could be wrapped up clean with a little planning, coordination, and the right professional services. So, at this juncture, the question arises: Why virtual weddings at all?

Cost-Effectiveness: The inexpensiveness that virtual weddings offer gives it an edge over traditional weddings and allows for a more -eco-friendly and sustainable head start. Simultaneously, it allows greater flexibility to decide where to invest the available resources.

Convenience: Especially for cross-country attendees, the virtual arrangement is a relief. It saves the travelling costs along with a ton of other formalities. In the end, people are better disposed to execute the affair with calm and peace.

Customisation: The option to personalise the wedding as per one’s preference and will is a great lure and one of the strong reasons why virtual weddings are replacing traditional weddings, which had little scope for an individual say.

Planning a Virtual Wedding:

Yes, the unprecedented boon in virtual weddings has given a creative boost to many, and here is a brief checklist on how to plan yours!

Choose the Right Platform and Technology

Selecting the appropriate platform and technology is crucial for a seamless virtual wedding experience. Choose a reliable video conferencing platform to accommodate your guest list size and offer features like breakout rooms, screen sharing, and recording. The next big priority should be in investing in quality gadgets: cameras, microphones, and lighting. Test all equipment beforehand to avoid technical glitches. For all safety and purposes, hire someone tech-savvy to assist guests with connectivity problems.

Send Digital Invitations and Manage RSVPs

Digital invitations set the tone for your virtual wedding and help you keep track of RSVPs efficiently. You may leverage online tools to design beautiful digital invitations. For a smooth execution, send reminders a week and a day before the event. Include instructions on how to join the virtual wedding and any updates on the schedule or activities.

Plan Engaging Virtual Activities

To jazz up the party spirit, keep your guests entertained with a variety of interactive activities throughout the virtual wedding.

Pre-Ceremony Activities: Set up a virtual photo booth with props and digital backdrops. To this, you may create a playlist to liven up the fun.

Interactive Ceremony Elements: Virtual weddings do not imply only a passive viewing of the events. Involve guests in the ceremony by having them light candles, recite readings, or share messages in the chat.

Virtual Reception: Plan games like trivia, virtual dance-offs, or a live DJ session. Encourage guests to dress up and send pictures or videos of their outfits.

Breakout Rooms: Use breakout rooms for smaller group interactions, allowing guests to catch up and socialize.

Coordinate with Vendors for Virtual Adaptations

To dial up the party mode, coordinate with your vendors to adapt their services for a virtual format. A professional would be a good option to capture the event and provide a live stream. Providing your creative input would help them set up the entirety in the way you envision. When all is done, a live performance or a virtual band would be a memorable close to the event. Pre-record speeches and toasts to ensure smooth transitions.