Some of the spin-offs that fans would have loved from the Big Bang Theory.
- Priya
- 19 May, 2022
- 2 mins ago

Some of the spin-offs that fans would have loved from the Big Bang Theory.
Big Bang Theory ended around 3 years back with much love from fans. This popular series was followed by a spin-off, Young Sheldon; which also became quite successful. This proves there is plenty of room for more spin-offs, here are some possible ones that fans would love.
Caltech University
The main characters of Big Bang Theory, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, and Amy were employed at the Caltech university. Caltech proved to be a chief setting on which the plot was weaved and also had some very interesting characters such as Barry, the famous HR head. There is definitely a great scope to create a spin-off around Caltech.
Penny, Bernadette, and Amy
Penny, Bernadette, and Amy stagedseveral funny scenes in The Big Bang Theory. Although Bernadette and Amy came after a couple of seasons, their bond and camaraderie were amazing to see. It will be really enjoyable to watch a sitcom exploring the friendship of these three ladies and unearthing further nuances of their personalities.
Main characters’ kids
By the time the series ended, Howard and Bernadette had 2 children. Even Penny and Leonard were expecting their first kid. And Young Sheldon’sspin-off showed Sheldon confirming that even he and Amy had kids. This offers an excellent plot for a spin-off around all the children of the main characters. This can be set around the time they are teenagers or even when they are young adults, just like their parents.
Leonard and Penny
Leonard and Penny were the main anchors of the Big Bang Theory for the first five seasons. Their getting together and then taking time off provided some great moments throughout the series. Later they got married and were expecting their first child which also provides great ground for a spin-off around the Hofstadter family. It will be great to see both of them as parents, especially Penny adapting as a mother.
Sheldon and Amy
Although the Young Sheldon series gave us some glimpses about the future lives of Amy and Sheldon, it would be great to see a series narrating and detailing their married life with kids around. It would be quite charming to see how Sheldon matures with family and kids and how the two great scientists lived their family life.
The chemistry of Rajesh Koothrappaliand Howard Wolowitz, and Howard Wolowitzand Bernadette Rostenkowski also calls for some utterly hilarious and engaging spinoffs.