Published By: Ahvana Paul

Love European classical traditions- Why you should invest in watching an opera at least once in your life

Are you someone who loves theatre and novel, as well as unique experiences? If you find yourself nodding your head at this above question, then one of the things that you must do at least once in your life is attend an opera! It is an expensive event, but it is so worth the money, that you will be left extremely pleased that you undertook this endeavour! It is after all a symbol of high cultural refinement. Here are some reasons why you should add an opera to the list of things you plan to do on your next trip to Europe!

The music, ofc!

This might seem like an obvious point, but it is one which still needs to be reiterated, owing to the beauty of it. Opera singing is one of the most beautiful, mesmerizing and fascinating things to the ear. It is something which touches your soul, if you can learn to appreciate it, and symbolizes the heights of Western classical music. Instruments can create brilliant sounds, but to hear a human create them is another whole experience! One is often left confused if they should shut their eyes and listen to the music, or if they should pay attention and watch to understand the story!

Operas entail beautiful stories about love

Although a lot of operas are usually tragic romantic love stories with sad endings, as a result, they are also very moving and touching, heartwarming and yet heart wrenching. The expression of the intensity of love through that soulful opera classical music makes it even more effective, and engaging for the audience. It makes you relate, feel for the characters, and understand each one. The music complements the element of tragedy within it.

Understandable thanks to subtitles

Furthermore, nowadays, thanks to good technology, there are usually subtitles in an opera which allows the audience to grasp the story more clearly, and makes it even more fun and engaging. So, you don’t need to worry about not understanding. It helps to have the subtitles, as it keeps you in touch with what is happening on stage.

Both solo and ensemble singing which makes it even more interesting

One of the interesting things about operas is that they involve people singing in both groups, as well as have some solo parts. This periodic shift creates a very interesting effect, beating the monotony of it all, therefore making it very engaging to listen to! 

Beautiful theatre space

Another thing about most opera houses which is a bonus point is the place where it happens- the opera houses or theatres. Most of the time these are extremely beautiful and ornate and extremely mesmerizing. Do make it a point to go find your seat a little before the performance. Not only will it help you avoid the chaos and crowds, but it will allow you to also take photos of the stage. Usually, there are beautiful decorations and sculptures, and seeing the whole opera house from wherever you are sitting, you will feel a sense of grandeur and amazement! It adds to the whole experience of seeing an opera. 

A unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience

To be realistic, operas are very expensive affairs, and something you only do a few times, perhaps even just once! However, don’t hesitate as it is a memorable experience. Enjoy it fully. Watch it, savour the music, even indulge in the interval by going to the café/ bar inside the opera house!