Indian Bands From The 90s We Are Obsessed With
The 90s music had us fall into the loop!
- Urbee Sarkar
- 26 August, 2024
- 2 mins ago

Indian Bands From The 90s We Are Obsessed With
The 90s music had us fall into the loop!
The 90s were hands down the best time for entertainment and arts in India. Bet it television, cinema or any form of art the 90s ruled them. Everything about the 90s was cool in every sense including the music bands. The 90s have given some of the best music that the contemporary music scenario in India had seen and with that started an era of exceptional music bands. Here are some of the Indian musical bands from the 90s that had a huge impact nationwide.
We have got to start the list with Palash Sen and his boys. Euphoria was that one band that every 90s kids unanimously loved. Their musical style was fresh and rejuvenating. In fact, Euphoria could still be found in the playlists of people even today. Their most popular songs Maeri, DhoomPichakDhoom and Raja Rani had become massive hits overnight and are praised till this day. The most unique feature of Euphoria was the fusion of Western and Indian musical styles and instruments that brought them the massive popularity that they enjoyed back in the day.
Bombay Vikings
Bombay Viking is special for everyone since it was the band that introduced us to fresh and poular remixes of songs. Starting with songs like WohChaliWohChali to Kya Surat Hain, Bombay Vikings combined classical music with Indian pop to create brilliant and impactful music. The band was started by Mats Nordenborg, NeerajShridhar and Oscar Soderberg in 1994. They brought to us songs that were light hearted and loaded with the feel good factor. Anytime you would feel low, put on a Bombay Vikings song and you’d be found bouncing in a minute.
Indian Ocean
No band could ever come close to doing what Indian Ocean has done in terms of music. However, today Indian Ocean is more popular and in demand outside the country than it is here in India itself. In fact, the band frequently covers world tours mesmerizing music lovers across the world. Formed by Susmit Sen, Rahul Ram, Asheem Chakravarty and Amit Kilam, Indian Ocean has seen its fair share of ups and down and lost a few band members while gaining new ones. That being said, Indian Ocean has given us musical gems like Bandeh, Bhor and of course their most famous song, Are RukJa re Bande.