Horrible Histories- A Delightful series! Reasons you should read this series if you are a history buff
Written by Peter Hepplewhite, Terry Deary and Neil Tonge, and illustrated by Martin Brown, Mike Phillips, Philip Reeve and Kate Shepard, the series, Horrible Histories, is probably available in the kid's section of most bookstores. However, please don’t dismiss it as a children’s book. Though something that could shape children’s worldviews, and induce an ability to think amongst children, this is a series which all could enjoy! Here are some reasons why it is a must-read, especially if you are a history buff!
- Ahvana Paul
- 09 February, 2024
- 2 mins ago

Horrible Histories- A Delightful series! Reasons you should read this series if you are a history buff
Written by Peter Hepplewhite, Terry Deary and Neil Tonge, and illustrated by Martin Brown, Mike Phillips, Philip Reeve and Kate Shepard, the series, Horrible Histories, is probably available in the kid's section of most bookstores. However, please don’t dismiss it as a children’s book. Though something that could shape children’s worldviews, and induce an ability to think amongst children, this is a series which all could enjoy! Here are some reasons why it is a must-read, especially if you are a history buff!
Wonderful Wit
The foremost reason, that you should read this book, is for how it is written. The book is amazingly witty and is written in a way that will make you giggle throughout. Its sass, sarcasm, wittily written prose, and comical nature are just so enjoyable! Read just one page, and you will want to keep reading! Be prepared for one of the most entertaining evenings, as you read a horrible histories book, over a cup of coffee!
Gives a nuanced perspective of the past in simple language
One of the best things about these books and novels is that they give very solid information, but in such a simple, easy-to-read, enjoyable and satirical witty manner, that it becomes a good way of acquiring knowledge without getting bored. It thus inspires the reader to think about history, and the different perspectives about a particular event, without boring them, and putting them off to sleep! Through the humour, it provides crucial historical debates about particular incidents and anecdotes in history. This therefore is one excellent way to introduce histories to your child, while also entertaining them. For the adult, it becomes about opening up their perspective on some pre-absorbed tales about history- and making them think! Simply put Horrible Histories makes the best historians!
Gives the good, bad and the ugly ( as history should be)
The series has an appropriate punch-line: “It’s History with the Nasty Bits left in!”Horrible Histories therefore is one series which is worth reading, considering the fact, that it concisely, gives all the perspectives. This is very important, as it allows us to grasp knowledge of historical facts, differently from their distorted version unconsciously propagated and accepted. Embracing and reading series like these allow us to avoid these rigidities, and become more open-minded, by giving a fuller picture. This is why it is such an important series. It saves no one, glorifies no one, and gives therefore a balanced viewpoint!
Excellent Illustrations
It is a fact universally acknowledged, that books with primarily texts are only half as interesting as books filled with cool, interesting illustrations. The Horrible Histories series excels in this regard. Not only is the entire book full of illustrations, but these are so endearing, well-drawn, and witty- that they complement the text perfectly!
Word: It’s a relaxing read
The best thing about this book is that even though it talks about real-life incidents, and is hugely informative about the past, it is also extremely entertaining! One of the best ways to relax is to sit with your friends and just read it out loud! It is so witty, and entertaining, that you can just sit back and relax and giggle over a cup of coffee! Though it is for kids primarily, to make learning fun, it is also ideal for adults, in search of something witty and fun, but also intelligent!
So when are you planning to check out the series?