Published By: Jayati

Ball handling: The art of contact juggling!

Contact juggling is such an intense and thrilling art form—it's bound to get you excited, whether you're performing or watching!

Ever seen someone juggle at a fair, tossing balls up high and catching them flawlessly? Well, contact juggling puts a fresh spin on that idea! Instead of throwing objects into the air, contact jugglers keep them in constant touch with their hands or bodies. It's like a smooth dance where the juggler and the object move in perfect harmony. Let's explore the intriguing world of contact juggling together!

Let's break down what contact juggling is all about! 

In contact juggling, jugglers don't hurl the balls skyward; instead, they elegantly guide them across their hands, arms, and even shoulders. What's truly captivating is how seasoned jugglers can delicately balance these balls on their fingertips and create the illusion of defying gravity, adhering effortlessly to various parts of their hands or arms. It's like watching pure finesse in action, where every move adds to this enthralling, almost spellbinding effect!

What led to the rise in popularity of contact juggling? 

Ever heard of Michael Moschen? He's the guy who really brought contact juggling into the spotlight back in the '80s with his show "Light." He mesmerised audiences by flawlessly handling eight balls at once, a performance that defined what we now know as contact juggling. It even caught the eye of David Bowie, who featured Moschen in the movie "Labyrinth," where he wowed everyone with his crystal ball manipulation skills (aka contact juggling).

As the '90s unfolded, contact juggling gained more traction. It wasn't just confined to niche circles anymore—people everywhere were captivated by it. Books, DVDs, and magazines sprang up, offering tutorials and sparking lively discussions about this captivating art form. Contact jugglers found their way onto popular TV shows like "America's Got Talent," and prestigious companies like Cirque du Soleil embraced them for their stunning performances. Even if you've never heard the term "contact juggling," chances are you've witnessed its mesmerizing allure. It's a skillful blend of creativity and precision that continues to inspire audiences across the globe!

What kinds of movements are involved in contact juggling?

Contact juggling encompasses a variety of movements and techniques, each contributing to its diverse and expressive nature. Let's take a look at the most popular ones:

Palm Rolling 

If you're looking to impress your friends up close, the palm roll is a great trick to master. Start with one ball and practice rolling it smoothly around your palm without dropping it. Once you've got the hang of that, challenge yourself by adding more balls. With practice, you'll be able to roll multiple balls on top of each other, all balanced on your palm. You can also switch the balls between hands and create illusions by moving your hands gracefully over them—a surefire way to dazzle your audience!


Ever seen contact jugglers making those balls look like they're floating on their own? It's all about their sleight of hand and clever techniques. They know just how to show parts of the ball to the audience while hiding its movements, creating this cool illusion of independence. It's pretty impressive once you see it in action!

Head Rolling

Pulling off this move in contact juggling isn't for the faint of heart—it's one of the tougher tricks out there. Imagine smoothly rolling the ball around your head, carefully balancing it on spots like the temples, top of your noggin, or even right on the forehead. It's not just about skill; it takes serious concentration to nail it, especially when you're performing in front of an audience. Some jugglers even take it a step further by blending in palm rolling moves at the same time. It's all about finesse and focus, making it a real showstopper!

If you're feeling pumped up about contact juggling after reading this piece, you can dive right into learning online from various awesome platforms and experts! It's such a unique and fascinating skill that once you start mastering it, you'll be wowing everyone around you in no time!