9 most popular characters in anime history
Characters that are loved and have lived through fandom
What makes a great anime? More than its animated execution, anime is often driven by characters. You see a great anime, chances are it has a character or two that is extremely popular among. Is it the great looking characters that make weebs chant out their names? Is it their skill as a fighter or their charming personality with a dash of humor that make them so appealing? Characters can make something as simple as a bildungsroman anime turn into a spicy mix of most watched show. Popular characters are loved and have their faces on notebooks, t-shirts, get their own merchandise.
Today we list 9 most popular characters in anime history.
Monkey D Luffy
Anime:One Piece
Luffy has a great sense of justice and freedom, on his journey to be the King of Pirates, leading a crew of misfits and outcasts. A simple-minded hero it’s hard to hate this guy and has elicited laughter, joy, tears among anime watchers.
Edward Elric
Anime:Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward and his brother are the famed alchemist brothers in anime. An alchemy gone terribly wrong left Edward without an arm and his brother Alphonso trapped inside a metal suit. Depsite his lout mouth, temper that runs hot, Ed takes us on a journey of friendships, alchemy, religious and political drama and a neverending fandom.
Levi Ackemann
Anime: Attack on Titan
Even the mighty Eotenas beware of Levi – the one whose skills are parallel to none and his stone-cold face, cold demure has gained love for him. Not only is his skills in battleground freakishly scary, this man’s loyalty to humankind to the point he is ready to do the necessary for the continued existence of humankind is what makes him so loved.
Naruto Uzumaki
Anime:One Piece
You can’t think of anime and not have Naruto’s name pop up first in your mind. Even people who has never watched anime has, at some point, heard or seen Naruto on merchandise, t-shirts, or has heard his reference somewhere. Yes, he is that popular.
Motoko Kusangi
Anime: Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell is not just a popular anime but has been made into live-action movies. Motoko Kusanagi popularly known as Major is not a half cyborg and a rear-kicking fighter, with incredible military tactics at her fingertips. Scarlett Johannson played the role of Major in the movie adaptation.
Light Yagami
Anime:Death Note
A good-looking high schooler, bound for greatness as societal and family pressure tells him falls out of the everyday mundane life when he stumbles upon Death Note. He, then, goes on a spree of eliminating the worst of criminals. Light is definitely a well-loved character in anime.