5 Crazy Expensive Things Rich People Buy

Have you ever fantasized about how you would spend your money if you won the lottery or got rich overnight? Look at these examples to get ideas!

Imagining what may be, is a pleasurable pastime. After all, you never know what kind of crazy, fascinating opportunities you could find. While the majority are fretting over inflation, rising living costs, and shrinking investment portfolios, the affluent appear unconcerned. Instead, they are spending money on things that most people would consider ridiculous. Here are some of the most ridiculously costly items that the super-rich people buy.

Buy Tickets To Outer Space

Many individuals worry about saving money on their yearly vacation by accruing miles and making their trips at off-peak times. Meanwhile, several of the world's ultra-rich are planning their escape. Tickets to the stars, a tourist attraction that is not quite as busy as the Eiffel Tower but far more exhilarating, are one of the craziest costly things the affluent are buying.

Discreet Islands

What's better than disappearing from the earth forever? Having a stake in it. It's very uncommon for the well-to-do to want their own isolated island, where they may entertain guests in peace and privacy. Luxury yacht transport to private islands is an issue. Yachts are a popular means of transportation for the affluent. And because normal boats just won't do, hundreds of superyachts are sold every year to the ultra-wealthy.

Celebrity booking services

It's not uncommon for the ultra-rich to pay famous people to attend their exclusive parties. Celebrities, writers, sportsmen, and artists may all be booked through online services for a reasonable fee. In 2013, Jennifer Lopez was criticized for performing a private, three-song concert for the president of Turkmenistan for a fee of more than $1 million. The Kardashians have accepted money to mingle at art shows. If you have enough money, you can hang around with the wealthy and famous just like them.

Gold-plated toiletries

Gold toilets as well as other luxurious fixtures may be seen in the homes of the wealthy. For about $30,000, you may get a toilet that is plated with 18-karat gold. Other high-priced options include bidets, space-saving televisions, and heated commodes. To pass the time, just look up luxurious restrooms to see everything the affluent can buy.

A Cup of Kopi Luwak

 We've all griped about how much a Starbucks latte costs, but picture having to fork out a hundred dollars for your morning brew. Kopi Luwak, the world's most expensive coffee, sells for that much if you want the best of the best.

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