Beauty in visual art form is not absolutely essential but it nonetheless attracts the viewer towards it!
Cinema is a medium that is defined usually by visual beauty, at least that is what gives the art form a conscious level of appreciation. There are many other factors in the art form such as sound which leaves a deep subconscious effect on the viewers without which the image isn’t complimented and montage which juxtaposes both the visual and sound. Yet in this medium many works have been produced since its inception a lot of brilliant works of art have gone unnoticed. Beautiful and cinematically rich works that can make you think differently about the very medium. These pieces are very rare and not many people except the core fans and lovers of cinema have heard of them, these works can be your secret and you can use any frames from these works as a reference point and framing guide to learn and understand the craft of the medium.
Some of the works that are not that unheard of are commonplace in film studies curriculums and syllabus but would be unknown to your average movie goer. The list includes works from all eras of cinema, such as the old silent era and also modern films which are yet to be discovered by a larger audience. Some of these works will require you to find them and search considerably as finding a good print to watch might really be difficult due to its rarity.