Hong Sang Soo is a mix between art and entertainment. His works are extremely amusing!
Since the twentieth century Asian Cinema has not been a huge player when it comes to popular culture. The only exception is Japanese Cinema which has had a long and storied history, and best artists of the medium have hail from Japan and its cinema is held to the highest regard. But in the 21st century there has been a huge surge in popularity across the world for South Korean Culture and cinema, this shift has taken place particularly in the later half of the 21st century and can be attributed to the vibrant and unique nature of South Korean culture its people and also the kind of unique narratives they use in their Cinema.
The rise of South Korean popular culture has spread across the world like wildfire. One of the most popular films which initially attracted the interest of masses towards South Korean cinema was an adaption of a popular manga of the same name, which was a revenge thriller, and the country is known for its dark and interesting thriller and mystery works. Yet Hong Sang Soo’s work is starkly different from that genre of cinema but is entirely addicting and also has a huge chunk of Korean life and culture in them. This list contains works from Hong’s filmography that anyone can watch in their free time and be amused by the entertaining narratives and also the interesting and colourful characters of his stories. All his works are structured in a brilliant way so the story telling is utterly fascinating. This list is carefully curated to fit the watching habits of even the most casual audience.
On the Beach at Night Alone
Shot for the most part in foreign soil particularly in Hamburg Germany, we see South Korean people interacting with German culture other than that it has a really beautiful story and great performances by the titular characters who are regulars in all Hong Sang Soo Projects.
Right now Wrong Then
This project has one the best structuring in modern narrative features, it has a unique approach to its stories where the conversations in the story feel so real that the audience will feel like you are a part of the conversation and it includes you in the emotional states of the protagonists.
The Woman Who Ran
This is a unique storytelling project where it tells the story of a woman, in the conversation she has with others this work was acclaimed and won the Silver Bear.