Narratives are one of the most important aspects of the cinematic medium although not necessary!
Cinema is a medium that from its inception isn’t bound by the narrative story structure, because it not only a storytelling medium, it is also an audio visual medium and it has a close link to reality. Cinema slowly became a replacement for theatre as the popular go-to form of entertainment for the people. One of the primary reason for that is the inculcating practises that are to storytelling whether it be adapting directly from novels or short stories and also taking from other forms such as Vaudeville. Now narrative cinema is the most popular form of cinema and has been for a better part of a century, even the dramatic beats of narrative cinema depend on the three act structure. Also many works are remembered long after their releases due to the strength of its plot. There have been many works from around the globe however who have managed to use the narrative form cinema by blending it with traditional cinematic techniques and creating the most innovative narratives that have become iconic in the history of cinema.
This list will probe into those unique screenplays and investigate what makes those stories and narrative structures so unique. Many a time it is seen that a lot of experimental narrative structures don’t work yet these works manage to create a balance between experimental narrative structures and also the understanding of the audience. This balance becomes important in order for the narrative to reach a larger number of people, as storytelling in the cinematic medium only works when it is experienced by a large audience.
The first work on this list takes us to Japan, to a creator who is not a stranger to innovative narratives. This story takes wild twists and turns and probably defies all categorisations. The work is made by Hiroshi Teshigahara who previously also had very innovative story lines in works like face of another.
There is no Evil
A work from Iran this takes thematic similarity to another this work is based on the theme of something really dark but it’s conversational tone and slow storytelling pace never lets the audience understand what it’s about to reveal next. This work earned a Golden Bear for its creator In the Berlin International Film Festival.
Kaili Blues
A debut feature by Chinese artist Bi Gan, Kaili Blues travels through the nooks and crannies of time to establish the emotions that are hidden deep within the titular characters. And also uses the narrative thread and memory to illustrate a feeling.