One can savor the greatest artworks if by incorporating one key element patience it pays off in most cases!
To most general audiences the term slow cinema might be an alien concept, but to seasoned cinephiles, this term is very well known. Once a person comes across works from different nations, genres, and styles they begin to discover each form of the medium in its true and complete essence and they get to derive the very essence of the medium with each film they watch. This is precisely when one comes across terms and styles such as slow cinema, it is a type of work that takes time to establish a word; its pace is generally much slower than usual commercial films. Slow films are also mostly heavy on mise-en-scene and the most accomplished artists associated with this medium use image and sound to open up the full range of the potential of the medium. Bela Tarr is a master among them. Bela Tarr hails from Hungary and is a visionary of the cinematic medium, he has been working for the better part of three decades and it is astounding that he hasn’t had many films in this time. Each of his works is exemplary for their use of cameras, and the way he portrays the human condition. Tarr elevates narrative cinema to another level, his works are usually longer in runtime than the average film, but if you watch it will reward and enrich your viewing experience. This list contains works of Bella Tarr from early in his career to his most recent masterpieces, all of his works have traveled to the most important and prestigious international film festivals around the world and one who plans to get into this art form must experience his work.