Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Why You Should Start Playing Ultimate Disc Golf Today

Folks, what if I tell you there is a game you can play with your family and friends that is super fun and does not require a lot of equipment? Yes, it is true. Move on from musical chairs as we have a cool game to play on weekends get together – ultimate disc golf.  

If you’re looking for a different outdoor activity that is both challenging and yet easy for everyone, ultimate disc golf might be just what you need. What is it you ask? Well, combining the best elements of ultimate frisbee and traditional golf, this sport was made to offer a fun, challenging, and social way to stay active. If you are already interested and want to know more about it, read this blog.

Easy to Learn, Fun to Master

What scares us most about playing new games is the fact that they take time to learn. However, one of the best things about ultimate disc golf is its simplicity. Well, the basic idea is to throw a disc into a target, usually a metal basket, in as few throws as possible.

Yes, this is it and the rules are easy to grasp, making it accessible for beginners. Like all other games out there, as you play more, you will develop techniques and strategies to improve your game, keeping it interesting and challenging.

Great Exercise

What is the point of playing a game if it does not make your body move? So, ultimate disc golf provides a full-body workout without making you feel tired much. Throwing discs engages your arms, shoulders, and core, while walking between holes and across various terrains gives your legs a good workout.

You can make it a lot more interesting as when people usually play, some courses are set in hilly or wooded areas, offering the added benefit of hiking. It’s a fun way to stay fit and active without feeling like you’re exercising.


We live in times when you cannot think of engaging in a fun physical activity without burning hole in your pocket. So, when compared to many other sports, ultimate disc golf is relatively inexpensive as all you need is a few discs, which are affordable and widely available. In fact, many disc golf courses are free to use as they are located in public parks or recreational areas. If you do not have it, you can just play it in a garden or a park. This makes it a budget-friendly option for individuals and families.

Social and Inclusive

Ultimate disc golf is a social sport that can be enjoyed with friends, family, or new acquaintances. It’s inclusive and can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. You know even playing in groups adds a fun, competitive edge and provides a great opportunity to meet new people and build a community around the sport.

Outdoor Enjoyment

How many times a year do we get to play an outdoor game? Playing ultimate disc golf allows you to spend time outdoors and enjoy nature. Many courses are set in beautiful parks, forests, or open fields, offering scenic views and fresh air. It’s a great way to disconnect from screens and technology and reconnect with the natural world.

Believe us, ultimate disc golf offers an amalgamation of fun, fitness, and social interaction. Now, grab a few discs, head to a nearby course, and experience the joy of ultimate disc golf.