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Massage is an important technique to relax the baby and soothe his body. It is used fo prevent any kind of pain and soreness in the body of an infant and make them happy. Several studies have shown that children who recieve regular body massages sleep much better as compared to other children. However, it is an important task to identify the best massage oil for your kid.

Choosing the right massage oil for your baby is a giant task. Not only because there are so many oils available but because you have to take care of multiple things like the weather, their skin, preferences, allergic reactions and of course, money. While there are companies who manufacture baby products and one can rely on them with all the right details and specifications about a product, you have to be careful about the ingredients and the artificial substances add in the oil. It is important to choose an oil according to the weather conditions because all oils have their own characteristics. Sime are suitable for winters while others cool down the body and therefore they are a good option for summers. Let's talk about the oils which are considered important for the baby and the benefits they provide.

Olive Oil - Olive oil as the name suggests is made up of olives and it has any advantages. This oil is suitable for all seasons and you ca use it as per your needs. Olive oil massage can make the bones of the baby strong and they can increase the muscle mass of the baby. Also, this oil is not sticky and you can use it at anytime whenever you feel the time is right.

Coconut Oil - Coconut oil is used to relax the body and cool it down. This oil has several important benefits and it is used for soothing the sore muscles of the children. Coconut oil massage is given to the baby of all groups. Coconut oil is primarily used in Southern parts of India and is widely consumed because of its warmth and cool textures.

Amla Oil - Amla oil is commonly used in India and other parts of Asia. It promotes the growth of hair and is widely used to massage the body of the infant. Amla oil not only used for promoting the health of the baby, it is also used by adults too. It is also less expensive as compared to other oils. Amla oil is beneficial for the skin and it suits all skin type.

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