Ways A Peer Pressure Can Affect An Individual
The effects of peer pressure stressors, varies from person to person as it depends on an individual's coping mechanism. When the effects are detrimental, it can take a toll on the psyche
Out and about in our society, we humans, are bound to come across a gamut of interactions from our fellow beings. Not all influences are positive and beneficial. Somewhere with the good — hopefully majorly, will be bad and the downright ugly. It is this direct influence of people by their peers, or the effect on them as an individual who is instigated and expected to follow their peers by modifying their existing attitudes, values or behaviours to conform to those of the influencing group or individual, is known as peer pressure. The effects of these stressors varies from person to person as it depends on an individual's coping mechanism. When the effects are detrimental, it can take a toll on the psyche. Here are some other ways one can mitigate this peer pressure.
Self-Confidence Gets Hit
Irrespective of one's actual capabilities, sometimes it is just the self-confidence that can see one to sail through situations. A nagging peer pressure can have a negative effect on self-confidence. It can result in the subject developing low self-esteem. It can impinge on the general well-being which then can negatively influence their life.
Lack Of Concentration
The lack of concentration may not necessarily be an inherent trait of the individual, but spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about how to fit in with one's swish set can make one negligent about one's studies. Doing so can reflect poorly on the academic records during this period of their lives when being socially accepted can take precedence over academics.
Guilty Feelings
Unrelenting pressure buildup from one's most influential peer group can make the sufferers feel bad and even worthless about oneself. This sentiment can very well extend to their family members as well. These feelings germinate, especially when economic disparities between their closest friends become apparent. The one who is not so well off is not able to participate in many of the group activities due to financial constraints. And instead of empathy, if their friends start to ridicule the straggler, pointing them out as weirdo or worst a 'lesser' being, they start hating themselves and their background.
Me Against The World
Being constantly disadvantaged due to no fault of their own and made to feel so unambiguously can manifest itself in a more trenchant manner. They slowly start to withdraw themselves from the world at large and isolate themselves away from their friends, families, relatives and the outside environment. Even well-meaning friends and families are construed as enemies.