True or False: Debunking Some Common Myths about Carbs

Let us debunksome crazy notions about carbs in the followings story. Read on to know more about it.

For most health freaks, carbs are always considered as their enemy number one.  And it’s not entirely their fault because we live in a world of over-exposure to information that is not perceived in the proper context.  The information-hungry users cannot draw the right knowledge leading to a lot of confusion and myths about various subjects. As a result, people put their health in jeopardy by following viral diets without understanding the human body's metabolism.

Here are some common myths about carbs that should be debunked at the earliest.

Myth:  Weight loss is not possible with carb intake.

Perhaps the most famous piece of advice you have received about weight loss is cutting out carbs from your diet completely. However, dieticians disagree on it as they believe that there are ways to lose weight with carbs. Specific diets like keto could aid faster weight loss in the absence of carbs, but that is essentially water weight loss which you tend to gain when you switch back to the standard diet. Therefore crash diets aren't the sustainable ways to lose weight. You could eat healthier and complex carbs in moderation to achieve your desired weight. It could include legumes, whole grains and starchy vegetables.

Myth: Carbs are not healthy for your gut.

The reality is quite the contrary. A healthy gut comes from good bacteria, aided by (yes, you got it right) carbs. These healthy microbe keeps our gastrointestinal tract healthy and helps our body to develop immunity against unsafe bacteria.  Eating healthy carbs like whole grains, vegetables, fruits help in letting the bacteria thrive in your system.

Myth:  Carbs are responsible for fat gain in the body.

People believe that our body tends to accumulate carbs quickly compared to other nutrients like protein and fat. Well, this isn't entirely too. The truth is that the carbs are broken down into sugar, which could be easier for the body. Therefore, the body tends to increase its metabolic rate if there is an excess carb intake in your body to burn it. However, it is not easy for the body to initiate fat storage unless it is the only option left for the body.

Although it is recommended to eat healthy and complex carbs, you must eat in moderation.Carbs aren't your enemy; unhealthy eating and lifestyle certainly are harmful to you. If you have a healthy and active lifestyle, you could easily maintain a healthy lifestyle and aim for sustainable weight management. And yes! Carbs also make you happy. So eat happily and eat right.

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