Published By: Jayati

Spread the word: peanut butter every day – yay or nay?

Is peanut butter really a friend or foe? Let's dig in!

Peanut butter is a pantry staple that fits into everything from easy sandwiches to nostalgic snacks. Got some flour and sugar? Make peanut butter cookies. Need to use up a banana? Add peanut butter. Only a minute for lunch? PB&J to the rescue. It’s easy, delicious, and satisfying. But if you're a peanut butter lover, you might wonder if too much can be bad. While watching for sugar and additives like palm oil is wise, peanuts and peanut oil offer health benefits that might make peanut butter a great regular choice. 

Diabetes risk reduction 

This might sound surprising, but regularly eating peanut butter can actually lower your risk of diabetes. People who eat nuts or nut butters often have a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Just be mindful of the sugar levels; some brands sneak in a lot. Healthy fats, protein, and fibre in peanut butter are great, but always check the labels. Look for less than 5 grammes of added sugar and under 100 milligrammes of sodium per serving. And try mixing it up with different nut butters every now and then!

Gut-friendly benefits 

Peanut butter isn’t just about fibre when it comes to keeping your digestion on track. It’s packed with niacin (vitamin B3), which is great for both your digestive and nervous systems. Plus, the healthy fats in peanut butter slow down digestion, helping prevent muscle breakdown. And did you know it’s high in magnesium? Just two tablespoons give you about 50 milligrams. Magnesium is key for gut mobility, helping move food and nutrients through your system. So, instead of popping magnesium pills, just grab another spoonful of peanut butter—it’s a tasty way to keep your gut happy!

Promotes healthy fats 

Peanut butter is also packed with healthy fats like oleic acid, which help keep your blood pressure in check and lower the risk of heart disease. Plus, it has omega-6 fatty acids and arginine, which are great for your blood vessels. So, next time you grab a spoonful of peanut butter, know you're doing your heart a great favour!

Assists in weight management 

With all the nutrients in peanut butter, protein and fibre are standout players. A standard serving offers about 7 grammes of protein and 2 grammes of dietary fibre, both of which are key for maintaining a healthy weight. A 2022 study found that diets high in protein and fibre promote weight management and metabolic health. Peanut butter is an easy and effective way to boost your daily protein and fibre intake. Plus, since it's calorie-dense, it helps you feel fuller longer, curbing cravings and preventing overeating. For a nutrient-rich snack, try apple slices with 2 tablespoons of low-sugar peanut butter when that mid-day slump hits.

Supports antioxidant defence and reduces inflammation 

You know those antioxidants everyone raves about? They're like the superheroes in our bodies, battling those pesky free radicals that can wreak havoc—think heart disease and other serious health issues. Peanut butter is loaded with antioxidants like p-coumarin and resveratrol, known for their role in protecting against chronic diseases by neutralising those free radicals. And that's not all peanut butter offers—it's also a champ at fighting inflammation. With its mix of healthy fats, fibre, amino acids, and magnesium, it helps dial down inflammation, easing discomfort and potentially preventing more serious health issues in the long run.

On the flip side, there are some considerations to keep in mind 

When it comes to peanut butter, it's always good to keep a few things in mind. Allergies, especially to peanuts and tree nuts, are pretty common. If you're worried about developing an allergy or notice any discomfort after eating peanut butter, it's smart to talk to your doctor or see an allergist just to be safe. As for acid reflux, while peanut butter isn't typically a major trigger, everyone's digestive system reacts differently. If you're prone to heartburn or abdominal discomfort, it might help to pay attention to what you eat, including how much peanut butter you enjoy. Being mindful can often nip any potential issues in the bud before they become a bother! 

Peanut butter is awesome for many reasons, but it's smart to keep an eye out for allergies or how it might affect your digestion. Consulting a doctor can give you peace of mind and help you enjoy your PB without any worries!