Published By: Satavisha

Six Vital Entrepreneurship Lessons You Can Learn From The Game Of Squash

Squash is a racquet sport that can enable individuals to establish and pursue goals, both on the court and in the entrepreneurial field

You may not know many people who play—and chances are—very few people know how this sport is played. If you are planning to learn this sport as a new hobby or add it to your fitness regimen, we have some interesting lessons for you. Apart from being a physically challenging sport, you have to be very fit, with immense endurance—to master squash. But did you know, this fast-paced and dynamic sport can also teach vital entrepreneurship lessons? Read on to enlighten yourself.

Perseverance and Perfection

Squash is played by two players at a time, in an enclosed court—and the objective is to defeat the opponent player, by striking the ball with accuracy and perfect timing. In the game of squash, discipline and perseverance are the key factors that can help players win.

Similarly, this equation is vital and applicable in entrepreneurship. If you own a business, You must keep moving toward the goal that you have established, regardless of all the hardships you face along the way.

Embrace Your Failures and Learn From Them

When you are new to this sport, you will have to face defeat from your opponents—sometimes even from players that you consider weak. However, you have to accept your loss and learn from your defeats. You should focus on changing your playing technique, and game strategy when playing against new players.

This lesson also applies in business settings—you have to fail and learn the lessons to grow and boost your enterprise. Unless you allow these touch lessons to perforate your shell, you cannot progress as an entrepreneur.

The Art of Maintaining Calm in Taxing Situations

Squash involves 5-setter matches, and by the end of the 4th set, you can feel your physical exhaustion amplifying with every breath. Suddenly you feel like all the stored energy has left your body and you can’t play the fifth set—and giving up will likely seem very easy.

When you are a novice player, you are more susceptible to such weariness. However, with more practice and determination, you will eventually learn to maintain calm and keep going. Your arms and legs will gain more strength when your confidence boosts.

Expect to face similar difficulties in your life and career. Often you will find yourself in situations where surrendering may seem tempting and easy. However, you should remember that by quitting, all your past struggles will go in vain. As an entrepreneur, you should remain calm, overcome the fatigue, and keep moving forward.

Anticipation Will Lead You Ahead

In the game of squash, some players can anticipate their opponent's next move. Using this knowledge, they can reach the ball early and strike the next one, sending their contender for the ball search. Experienced and skilled players can always anticipate the direction from which the ball will arrive.

Similarly, in business, experienced entrepreneurs are always aware of what their competitor's next move will be—and they prepare accordingly to respond. As an entrepreneur, you should know what your competitors are planning to do next and stay prepared to level up your game.

Be Patient and Consistent

Squash is a fast-paced sport where players try to tire out their opponents. It is often called ‘Physical Chess’ as it requires pacing oneself, hitting at consistent lengths and acquiring a favourable position to oust the opponent by forcing an error or bringing out a weak response that lets you win.

In every competitive battle, especially when playing against equally potent competitors, being patient and consistent is critical because flashiness will not take you far. However, strategic planning and relentless execution can help you lead.

Build Momentum and Rhythm

Squash focuses on momentum and to develop it—you have to acquire the rhythm. When starting a business, entrepreneurs often ignore the importance of momentum. Establish an efficient operating rhythm by investing your time in creating a business plan and evaluating it with all the key members of your team—to incorporate discipline and start functioning in an organised manner. If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you have to build and maintain momentum in your business.

 Being a constant learner and a humble player are two essential lessons every entrepreneur can learn from Squash.