Published By: Jayati

Ronaldo's Shocking Ripped Routine That Keeps Him at the Top of the Game at 39

Being Ronaldo isn't for the faint-hearted, and his workout routine is the ultimate proof!

Cristiano Ronaldo, born in Madeira and now Portugal’s most famous export, is a global football sensation known for his incredible athleticism and devotion to staying fit. He started from humble beginnings but climbed to the top through sheer determination and an unbeatable work ethic. His workout routine is no joke—it includes cardio, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength workouts, technical drills, and health tips that keep him in top shape. Let's take a closer look at Ronaldo’s impressive workout routine and how he maintains his peak fitness levels.

Ronaldo spends as much as four hours a day working out

CR7 really goes all out with his workouts! His routine mixes high-intensity sprints, weight training, cardio, pilates, and swimming, spread across five days a week. He spends a solid 3–4 hours per session, focusing on different muscle groups each day. When he talked about his weekend workout, he encouraged everyone to plan their exercise routine daily to maintain consistency. Ronaldo also emphasizes the importance of mindfulness alongside physical fitness, reminding us all to carve out time for both.

Strength training plays a crucial role in Ronaldo's fitness regimen 

Ronaldo's incredible speed and strength come from his hard-core strength training routine. He does a mix of bodyweight exercises, resistance training, and heavy lifting to build and strengthen his muscles. Think bench presses, deadlifts, and squats—they're his go-to moves for muscle growth and increasing his overall strength. It's this disciplined approach to fitness that keeps him dominating on the football field, proving just how crucial strength training is to his workout game plan.

He consumes six meals daily 

Ronaldo’s job really demands a lot of energy, not to mention keeping his impressive physique in check. To handle this, he breaks his meals into six smaller ones spread out every 2-4 hours. This approach not only boosts his metabolism but also keeps him satisfied throughout the day. With a personal nutritionist on board since his Real Madrid days, Ronaldo gets top-notch guidance on what to eat and when, making sure his diet supports his intense lifestyle.

Ronaldo hydrates with up to six litres of water every day 

Staying active and sharp for all of us boils down to staying hydrated. It is recommended for men to aim for about 3.7 litres of water daily, while women should aim for around 2.7 liters. But Ronaldo takes it up a notch, reportedly knocking back up to 6 litres every day! It's not just about flushing out toxins—hydration also keeps his joints lubricated and cushioned, which is crucial for someone playing at his level.

He takes five 90-minute naps throughout the day instead of sleeping all at once

Cristiano Ronaldo has a fascinating sleep routine—he breaks it into five 90-minute power naps throughout the day instead of one long night's sleep. Following advice from sleep guru Nick Littlehales, he kicks off with a swim around 10 p.m. and catches some shut-eye until midnight. After chilling until 3 a.m., he takes another nap until 5:30 a.m., then starts his day. Littlehales also stresses the importance of ditching screens before bed, sticking to the same mattress, and flying solo in the bed to optimize rest and performance.

Cristiano Ronaldo has really nailed his fitness game. Even though he's one of the older guys in the league, he's rocking a body that puts younger players to shame—just 7% body fat and half his weight in muscle! It's not just about looking good; that kind of physique keeps him strong, enduring, and totally on top of his game on the soccer field.