Misconceptions about cabbage that are stopping you from eating

Cabbage, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea, is a green, red or white-colored leafy vegetable.

Cabbage belongs to the family of broccoli, kale, and cauliflower. It’s enriched with essential nutrients while being low in calorie content. Scientifically, the consumption of cabbage reduces inflammation and improves immunity. Despite its high nutritional value, cabbage is overlooked often due to some misconceptions. Let's debunk those myths about cabbage.

Myth: Only one variety of cabbage is found in the market.

Fact: Believe it or not, there are at least 100 varieties of cabbage cultivated globally. Mostly, 3 varieties are popular: red, green, and savory. Green cabbage is the most famous variety, which has smooth, dark- to pale-green-colored leaves. Usually, inner leaves remain white to pale green. Whereas, Red cabbage possesses red or purple leaves with a tougher texture. The Savory cabbage has crinkled leaves of yellow or green color. It has a delicate texture, mostly used in salads.

Myth: Cabbage doesn't provide any health benefits.

Fact: Cabbage has a dietary fiber content. Furthermore, Cabbage possesses sulforaphane, a sulfur-rich phytocompound, which has anti-cancerous properties. Other phytochemicals in cabbage promote cardiovascular health and immunity. Also, some reports have mentioned that cabbage has blood pressure-lowering properties.

Myth: Cabbage promotes weight loss, so consume it regularly.

Fact: Globally, people think that cabbage soup promotes weight loss, however, it has been no scientific evidence till now. Undeniably, Cabbage has low-calorie content, but, scientists are yet to find the effectiveness of cabbage consumption in order to lose some excess weight.

Myth: If you have thyroid-related issues, don't eat cabbage.

Fact: Being a cruciferous vegetable, cabbage contains goitrogens, which are believed to interfere with the functions of the thyroid gland. However, recent reports have confirmed that optimal consumption of cabbage doesn't interfere with thyroid gland functions. When consumed in excess, it may show negative effects. Discuss with your nutritionist the quantity required for your body.

Myth: Don't eat cabbage, it will cause brain tapeworm.

Fact: This is another popular misconception among people. Undeniably, consumption of some vegetables is linked to tapeworm infection in your body, but, it has nothing to do with cabbage. Tapeworm infection occurs due to the consumption of unwashed vegetables. These microorganisms remain attached to the edible plant parts and get ingested via food if not washed or cooked properly. Before cooking cabbage, you must wash your hands and the vegetables properly.

So, don't believe in those myths. Cabbage is a useful vegetable if you have any tumor inside the body.

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