Malic acid: interesting facts, sources, and health benefits.
- Sohamhalder227
- 03 October, 2022
- 2 mins ago

Malic acid: interesting facts, sources, and health benefits.
Malic acid, a natural element obtained from various fruits and vegetables has enormous health benefits.
Malic acid belongs to the category of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). The word malic is derived from malum, a Latin word for apple. In earlier days of research, apple was known to be the source of malic acid, thus the name. Malic acid provides a tart taste to apples. Even the human body secrets malic acid during the conversion of carbohydrates to energy. You need to know about several compounds that are essential for the body. Malic acid is one such compound. Without further delay, let's find out exciting details about malic acid.
Sources of Malic Acid:
Some fruits and vegetables are naturally enriched with malic acid, the wealthiest of all is the apple. Apart from that, cherries, bananas, mango, grapes, and oranges provide a good amount of malic acid. Among veggies, beans, broccoli, peas, carrots, and potato are good sources of malic acid. Several carbonated drinks soft candies, and bakery products also contain malic acid. The following paragraphs will describe the health benefits of malic acid. Continue reading.
Malic acid solves dental issues:
From xerostomia to excess microbial growth, a wide range of issues can be solved by consuming foods enriched with Malic acid. It basically acts as an oral detox agent. Due to astringent properties, malic acid can remove surface discoloration of your teeth. Thus, malic acid is often used as a key ingredient in mouthwashes or toothpaste.
Malic acid promotes liver health:
Malic acid is capable of chelating metals or toxic substances. After binding with those chemicals malic acid deactivates them. This property is beneficial in treating gallstones. Overall, malic acid cleanses the liver and decreases the risks of fatty liver.
Malic acid is essential to treat Fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia or fibrositis is associated with pain, fatigue, lack of motivation, and an altered sleep schedule. Without medical observation and self-care, the condition deteriorates and can even become lethal. Scientific evidence suggests that malic acid can provide you with needed relief to boost your energy levels. If you consume malic acid with magnesium supplements, the treatment becomes more effective.
Malic acid improves skin health:
Malic acid is an important ingredient in anti-aging medications. This bioactive compound brightens your skin by enhancing skin texture as well as complexion. The pH value is also maintained in the skin when there is sufficient malic acid in the body.
Malic acid is useful to get rid of dandruff:
Malic acid combats microorganisms to eliminate dandruff. Thus, apple cider vinegar is suggested by doctors to treat dandruff. It also promotes hair growth.
Malic acid is also associated with several side effects when consumed in excess. These are irritability, drowsiness, itching, redness, and diarrhea.