Health benefits of prune: the amazing dry fruits you might have ignored

Prunes, a dried variety of plums, have numerous health benefits which were overlooked for many years.

There are very few fruits that can instantly boost your bone density. Prune or dried plum is one such food item to have that property. Basically, plums are dehydrated to extend shelf life, which after fermentation is known as a prune. These are generally deep savory-sweet flavored and red-brown in color. They have a unique chewy texture. Prunes can remain fresh for 10-12 months when kept in the refrigerator. According to some survey reports, people hate eating prunes because of their taste and texture. However, it has numerous health benefits. The following are some of the important ones. Read on.

Prune: Nutritional profile:

If you consume 5 prunes at a time, you will get 114 calories, with 30 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein. Further, you will be benefited from 3 grams of dietary fiber along with essential minerals and vitamins.

Prunes improve gastrointestinal health:

Prunes provide both soluble and insoluble fibers. Remember that both these types are important for your health. Soluble fiber enhances nutrient absorption, whereas insoluble fibers regulate bowel movement. Prunes are also enriched with sorbitol and chlorogenic acid, both increasing your stool frequency, and releasing the pain of constipation.

Prunes support bone development:

If you are worried about decreasing bone density after the age of 30, here is the potential remedy. Start consuming prunes regularly. They prevent bone loss and maintain optimal bone density, as confirmed by clinical studies. A high amount of minerals along with vitamin K help in this process. It also prevents osteoporosis when consumed at least 100 grams daily. Potassium-enriched prunes improve mineral uptake in the bones. Also, anti-inflammatory properties help in preventing osteoporosis in older age.

Prunes provide amazing antioxidating effects:

Bestowed with powerful antioxidants (neochlorogenic acid and chlorogenic acid), prune is effective against free radicals.  These phytochemicals reduce blood glucose and bad cholesterol levels, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular ailments.

Prune consumption improves vision:

A high amount of vitamin A is essential for healthy eyesight. Consuming one prune provides around 3% of the recommended daily requirement of vitamin A. People with a lack of vitamin A are susceptible to dry eyes, night blindness, cataract, and macular degeneration.

Other benefits of prunes:

Prune is amazing for your skin and hair. It prevents hairfall and dryness. Phytonutrients obtained from prunes also promote hair growth by preventing premature damage. Due to the presence of vitamin C, collagen production in the skin gets enhanced, providing a youthful and radiant skin tone.

However, excessive consumption of prune can be bad for your health. It can lead to diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

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