Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Epic Sherlock Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie

The name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street. If this one sentence brings a smile on your face, this article is for you. Sherlock is an epic character written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and it is loved by many in every form. However, there are other characters in the story who are loved by us.

Sherlock Holmes might be the star of the show but his adventures wouldn’t be half as captivating without the colourful cast of characters surrounding him. While we love watching Sherlock solve mysteries with his uncanny intellect, there are others who captivate us equally.

Mycroft Holmes – This character will make an awesome movie. Imagine a movie where the spotlight is on Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's older brother and the British government’s enigmatic powerhouse. Well, we know that Mycroft is the ultimate behind-the-scenes operator, often described as being even more brilliant than Sherlock.

Who is better to play his role than Mark Gattis, the OG Mycroft. A film on him could be a good drama mixed with chase, emotions and fun.

Dr. John Watson – ‘The Doctor who never returned from his duty’, that is the perfect description of this character. Dr. John Watson is not just Sherlock’s loyal sidekick but he is a hero with a fascinating backstory of his own.

A Watson-centric movie could be an action-packed adventure, showcasing his friendship and tactical skills. There would be plenty of action, but also a deep dive into his character, showing his resilience, compassion, and unwavering loyalty. Also, Martin Freeman would be a perfect choice for the casting.

Mrs. Hudson – ‘If Mrs. Hudson leave the country, London will fall’ this is how she was described by Sherlock. Don’t let her status as a landlady fool you as Mrs. Hudson is far more than just the keeper of 221B Baker Street. Her backstory, hinted at in various adaptations, suggests a past full of intrigue and excitement. A Mrs. Hudson movie could be a delightful mix of comedy, drama which will be unveiling the life of this seemingly ordinary woman with extraordinary secrets.

Fast forward to her present-day life, and we see her using her sharp wit and connections to help Sherlock and Watson, all while managing her quirky tenants and running her household. This film would highlight her resourcefulness, bravery, and the untold stories of her past, wrapped in a charming and humorous package.

Professor Moriarty – ‘Honey, you should see me in a crown’, that is Jim Moriarty for you. Now, who wouldn’t want to watch a movie about him, the man who make Sherlock look good. A Moriarty film would be great offering a glimpse into the mind of Sherlock’s greatest adversary.

This movie would delve into Moriarty’s psychology, showing us what makes him tick and why he’s driven to outsmart Sherlock at every turn. It would be filled with clever plots, and intense confrontations, all set against the backdrop of Victorian London. Also, Andrew Scott is the only choice for this role, right?

So we know that the new season of Sherlock is not coming anytime sooner. It is because the case is too busy with other projects. However, we can hope for some spin off with these members. Each of these characters brings something unique to the Sherlock Holmes universe, and their stories are just begging to be told on the big screen.