Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Why You Should Trek on the Frozen Zanskar River in Ladakh

Hiking on the frozen Zanskar River is a trek popularly known as the Chadar Trek. This once-in-a-lifetime adventure, set amidst the far-flung landscapes of Ladakh, India, draws explorers from all over the world.

It is just this-innocent walk on the frozen river, flanked by the mighty mountains, and an experience of the very culture of the Zanskar Valley-that makes it so very special.

Frozen landscape

During winter, usually from January to February, the Zanskar River freezes solid, and the thick sheet of ice acts as a route for trekking. This is a breathtakingly magical sight because one can see the frozen river with the snow-capped peaks rising right on either side. Trekking on ice is an exciting challenge, but the beauty of surroundings makes everything worth the while. The frozen riverscape of Ladakh is a sight to watch, untouched and wildly virgin, and provides a visual experience unparalleled in treks.

A real test

The Chadar Trek is not for the fainthearted. The temperatures can touch as low as -30°C, and the trekkers need to be prepared to bear the cold and long days of walking. But this is exactly the challenge that makes it all the more rewarding. The completion of the Chadar Trek indeed is a test of both physical endurance and mental strength, and the sense of fulfillment one feels at the end is incomparable. This is a trek for adventurers seeking to push themselves beyond the limit and experience something more than special.

Zanskari culture

One of the enriching experiences of the trek is definitely interacting with the locals of the Zanskar Valley. The people residing in the region are few, isolated, and stuck with the traditional life the region has to offer, full of hostility. On this trek, you will pass small villages, where you get an inkling into their peculiar customs and beliefs. Besides, homestays add to the cultural depth of this trek, which includes sharing the warmth of Zanskari hospitality. It is not a case of mere adventure but a thread that connects humans.

Natural wonder

The frozen Zanskar River itself is a natural wonder. The ice under the feet continuously changes in outlook throughout the trek-sometimes a smooth sheet of glass, at other times cracks forming an intricate pattern. The colours of the ice vary from clear blue to white according to the weather conditions. You'll encounter frozen waterfalls that hang like enormous chandeliers, frozen in mid-air. These make the trek a bit overwhelming.


For the travelers who want to be far away from the hustle-bustle, artificial life of cities, the Chadar Trek offers complete peace and solitude. The isolation from the modern world in totality allows the trekkers to be with nature in its pure form. The stillness of the frozen river, the crisp air, the silence broken only by the crunch of ice under the feet all turn into a meditative atmosphere. It is a journey that can be reflective; thus, it is not only a physical trek, but one that is spiritual.

A photo paradise

For the professional photographer to the amateur who likes to preserve memories, the Chadar Trek offers endless possibilities: breathtaking views of the contrast of the ice, the snow, and the clear blue skies will give you images that will be remembered throughout your lifetime.

From breathtaking landscapes to cultural immersion, and the feeling of accomplishment that one feels at the end of this tough trek, surely this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.