Unusual markets around the world.
Markets that are popular for being bizarre
The best way to go deep into a culture is by exploring the markets, not the shopping malls or exotic stores but the local markets. Markets tell a lot about a place's culture, from their food habits to fashion to crafts. A market is a live display of the art and culture of a city. There are plenty of famous markets worldwide people visit for shopping; there are some rare markets that not many people know of. Unlike any other market, these unique markets are known for their bizarre characteristics. Let us look into such unusual markets around the world, which will make you both fascinated and shocked at the same time, and display the authentic character and culture of that place.
Maeklong Railway Market
The Maeklong Railway Market is one of the most unusual markets around the globe. It is located outside Bangkok at an hour's distance. Its location and position make it unique; the whole market is spread out over a functioning train track. The trains pass eight times a day through this market, and the vendors have to pull back their products and overhanging umbrellas every time the train passes. While it may seem fascinating, it is pretty dangerous as some stores remain close to the train as it passes. From Thai snacks to clothing to fruits and more, you can find diverse things in this market.
Skuon Spider Market, Cambodia
The name itself implies why it has been listed here. The Skuon or Skun Spider market in Cambodia sells some weird food items such as deep-fried bugs and insects, including several species of spiders. The market is situated from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap; it's located just beside the highway. The market offers a wide range of insects from crickets, scorpions, and beetles.
Muara Kuin Floating Market, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Muara Kuin Market in Indonesia is one of the most beautiful markets as it is situated over a water body. The market takes place for a concise span from 5 am -9 am and sells fresh local produce items like fruits, vegetables, fish prawns, etc. One of the most popular items found here is a local delicacy called Soto Banjar, which is nothing but a type of noodles in soup.