Six Incredible Facts about Advertising

It attracts, it informs, and it educates. Advertisements are everywhere around us. Let’s find out some more about it in this story.

The role of advertisements cannot be undermined when it comes to making our choice from a wide range of products available in the market. Ads not only inform and educate the customer about a specific product or service but also add a pull which lure the target customer.

To become a smart customer than the rest of the masses, here are a few interesting aspects of the advertising business.

  1. Adverts are meant to influence the customer opinion; therefore, companies spend a fortune of their earnings into it. Have you noticed how colour coordinated an ad is when viewed closely? It is because hues make a lot of difference in the overall image of the brand. For instance, bright colours represent enthusiasm, while pale colours signify seriousness and gravitas. The play of various shades of colour influence our minds on a subconscious level.
  2. Have you ever felt an urge to buy something in a giveaway deal which would only last for a short period? Several sellers employ this gimmick to attract potential customers. Thanks to advertising, there has been a steady rise in impulsive shopping in recent times.
  3. Advertising agencies also understand that human beings are moved by emotional behaviour, which is why a lot of ads deal with emotional aspects of human behaviour to project their product to customers. The impact of such adverts is huge and gives a push to the sales of a product.
  4. Children form a large group of target clients, and a lot of focus is given to make unique ads for them. Surveys have indicated that an average child in the US watches over a hundred ads every day.
  5. Advertising employs a technique known as ‘affective conditioning’ where placing a particular product against a positive surrounding makes it desirable for the customer. For example, using babies in a household commercial would appeal a consumer as kids evoke positivity and reassure their trust in the product.
  6. In the current times, social media influencers, blogs and media forums are extensively used for advertising and marketing various products. A large number of consumers have a universal reach to social media which helps in publicity and sales of the product in a short time. Also, this is a relatively inexpensive medium to reach out to target audience in comparison to the traditional advertising.
Advertising is inevitable for any business. Therefore it needs to be deciphered with an open mind. Only then would the consumers be able to make a right choice.

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