Simple Ways To Get Your Infant To Sleep Through The Night

As unbelievable as it may seem, but sleep is a habit that can be taught and learned. Infants should be taught how and when to sleep before you can assist them to sleep through the night.

If you have not slept well at night since the birth of your baby, you are probably not alone. Waking up regularly in the middle of the night to your crying infant becomes an everyday ritual for most new parents — but do not despair. Here are some simple ways that can help your little one sleep all night. Really!

Establish a strict bedtime routine

It is never too early to get your infant to follow a strict bedtime routine. The routine should be sustainable and simple, so that it becomes easy for you to follow it every night. Even the slightest change in the bedtime routine of your baby can make them cranky and can cause them to wake up more frequently at night.

Your infant’s nighttime care should be low-key.

When your little one wakes up at night and cries for you, it is crucial to go and check on them. However, you must try to limit your time and interference with them. Make it clear to your baby that it is still bedtime and not the time to eat or play. Gently place your hand on their chest to calm them, and leave the room after a few minutes.

Put your little one to bed when drowsy but awake.

This simple trick helps infants to associate beds and pillows with the process of slipping into slumber. Always remember to place your little one to sleep on their back and remove all the unnecessary items like toys from their crib.

Maintain a calming ambiance.

The ambiance is everything! Make sure that your baby’s room is at a comfortable temperature and keep it dim-lit or dark. Try to keep noises at bay, so that your little one can sleep peacefully.

Try to wean away from the night feedings.

Once your doctor assures you that the night feedings can be stopped, you must slowly begin to curb that habit. In some cases, infants start associating feeding with sleep, and they expect to get fed every time they wake up. Hence, slowly try to wean away from the night feedings, which in turn will help both you and your baby enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night.

Take time to figure out your baby's sleeping habits and ways you can communicate with them to help them sleep through the night.

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