Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Signs of sleep apnea you should not ignore

Waking up to wellness is not easy. Often, we get sleep but not the desired rest. While there are multiple reasons, sleep apnea could be one. Yes, it’s more common than you think!

What if I tell you the symptoms of sleep apnea are very common and you will witness them easily. It is then important to know what are they. Nothing irritates a person more than a troubled sleep. In this blog, we will explore common symptoms of sleep apnea.

Snoring – The most common and recurring of them all is snoring. While it may seem harmless to some, excessive snoring can be a red flag for sleep apnea. It occurs when your airway is partially blocked during sleep, causing vibrations in the throat that produce those familiar sounds.

Snoring can disrupt not only your own slumber but also that of your bed partner, leading to strained relationships and groggy mornings. If you find yourself waking up feeling unrested despite logging enough hours in dreamland, don't ignore this common warning sign.

Seeking professional advice and exploring lifestyle changes like sleeping on your side or elevating your head while sleeping could help alleviate snoring and improve your overall sleep quality.

There are several tips to quite snoring. Some of them are

  • Use a proper inhaler but do not use it quite often
  • Seek medical help
  • Take steam regularly
  • Avoid cold water and soft drinks

Heavy breathing while sleeping – Another symptom that looks harmless. Do you ever wake up feeling like you've been running a marathon in your sleep? Heavy breathing while sleeping could be a sign of something more serious than just a restless night. If you or your partner notice loud and labored breathing coming from you during the night, it may be worth looking into further.

Sleep apnea is often associated with heavy breathing while sleeping. This condition causes interruptions in breathing patterns throughout the night, leading to poor quality sleep and potential health risks.

If heavy breathing is disrupting your rest, consider speaking with a healthcare provider about undergoing a sleep study. By identifying the root cause of your symptoms, you can begin to explore treatment options that may help improve your overall sleep quality and well-being.

Headache during sleep -Many people will tell you that sleep can reduce headache but for some, it becomes the opposite. That throbbing pain in your head can be more than just a random occurrence.

Experiencing headaches during sleep could be a sign of underlying health issues, such as sleep apnea. When the airway becomes blocked or partially obstructed during sleep, it can lead to decreased oxygen levels in the body, triggering headaches upon waking.

These morning headaches can affect your overall quality of life, leaving you feeling groggy and irritable throughout the day. Ignoring these symptoms may worsen over time and impact your well-being.

If you frequently suffer from morning headaches, it might be worth consulting a healthcare professional to explore potential causes and solutions. Addressing any underlying sleep disorders like sleep apnea can help alleviate these painful morning headaches and improve your overall sleep quality.

Irritability– Sleep apnea can seriously disrupt your mood. It changes to constant irritation very soon and that is why it is important to take care. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these signs, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Ignoring the symptoms of sleep apnea can lead to serious health issues in the long run.

Taking help is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards better health and quality of life. Take charge of your well-being today and say goodbye to sleep apnea-related challenges.