Places you would not want to swim
Some of these places should be approached with caution, or you should try to avoid them completely.
Not all water bodies are meant for swimming; it is wise to avoid them completely.
There is nothing like a long refreshing dip in a lake or river to get rid of heat on a hot summer day. But water bodies are quite unchartered grounds for us humans, and they hold dangers that we cannot fathom. May it be a natural deadly poison or sharks, you don’t know what different dangerous secrets these water bodies hold in them. So, here are some of the places where you should avoid swimming.
The acidic lake is called Laguna Caliente.
Can you think of swimming in a water body that has a pH of below zero? In simple layman language, something that has a pH of zero and even below that is deadly and acidic. So, the lake of Caliente could easily be classified as the most acidic water body on the planet; it is said that even the rain around the area has acidicpH.
The contaminated lake of Karachay which is overflowing with nuclear radiations.
Though there is a bleak chance that you can ever want to swim in a lake near Russia, but as they say that knowledge is power, Lake Karachay is the most contaminated lake in the world. This lake was once used as dumpsite for toxic waste from the years 1951 to 1968. Not only that, it was a processing facility and nuclear waste storage.
The exploding Lake of Monoun, Nyos and Lake Kive of Rwanda.
These exploding lakes were created due to a dam of volcanic rock. This means that the lake is atop a pool of magma that releases Methane and Carbon-dioxide and releases it in the water. Sometimes, these large pockets of gases would explode out of water. And don’t take it lightly as when it happened in 1984 at Lake Monoun, it killed at least 37 people.
The bone-chilling cold water of Lake Vostok.
The lake is originally a subglacial lake under the Antarctic. Its ice cores tell us about whether life survived in isolation for 24 million years or whether life can survive on other planets and in their subsurface water. Whatever or not scientists could find proof of life in other planets because of the subsurface temperatures of these lakes, one cannot simply swim here. Not with the average temperature of -3 Celsius.
So, enjoy the view of these water bodies and keep your swimsuit at home.