Out of the world: Magnificent space-themed places to stay.

Enjoy your stay in a hotel that is literally out of this world!

Admit it; outer space fascinates us all. There is something mysterious and unknown about the cosmos that thrill us and make us want to explore or just go up there like astronauts. The success of the sci-fi genre is proof of that fascination. We all wanted to be spaceship-like Enterprise or walk on the surface of Mars like “The Martian”. corporate giants like Virgin Galactic and Space X are aiming to make our dream of visiting space a reality. But till that happens, we can get the same experience here on earth by staying in these magnificent space-themed hotels around the world.

Sunset Inn and Suites, Illinois, USA.

If you want to get authentic otherworldly experience, head to Sunset Inn and Suites in Clinton, Illinois. They are true to their space theme, and you get a custom-made bed, lighting that makes you believe that you are not on earth anymore. Lastly, they have stars on walls and ceiling, completing the final look. It can’t get otherworldly than this.

1960S Star Trek USS Enterprise Room, Oregon.

Now we can all realize our dearest childhood dream of living on Enterprise. The ardent fans can rent a room in this hotel which is modelled after the Star Trek Enterprise. Do a bit of role-playing with some props and command consoles, just like the original Enterprise. Test out your knowledge about Star Trek Enterprise by finding some hidden surprises in the room.

Gold Coast Hotel, Hong Kong.

The Gold Coast Hotel has an outer space room which is nothing short of a miracle. It is filled with props and décor that give me a feeling of a space ship. And the best part, it comes with a telescope that you can use to view faraway stars and planets, satisfying the nerdy space lover in you.

Fantasyland Hotel, Alberta, Canada.

Fantasyland Hotel is true to its name and wants to fulfil the fantasies of all its guests. Space themed room fulfils one such fantasy of the guests. The windows and blinds show the glimpses of the surface of an alien planet and roof illuminated with stars and asteroids making you feel like a futuristic traveller roaming in unknown places in space.

So, which space-themed hotel would you like to visit first?

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