Must-know tips to crack a Job interview
Preparing for an upcoming job interview? Take a look at this super easy checklist on tips to crack any interview.
Interviews make us excited as well as nervous. We all at some point of time have felt that jitter before an interview or still do. But getting nervous doesn’t help. When we are called for an interview, we often forget to prepare for basics. As they say “The first impression is the last impression”, we have mentioned below a few effective interview skills that you must consider to ace your interview.
- Always do company research:
LinkedIn and Glassdoor are great platforms where you can look up for company information.
- Lookup for common interview question and prepare yourself.
- Understand the Job requirement
- Dress Smart and Neat
- Reach well in advance
During the Interview
- Always answer the related questions, do not over-elaborate.
- Confidence gets you hired. Stay confident in whatever you want to convey.
- Don’t forget to smile and keep things light when required. Serious face or expression gives an impression to the interviewer that you are nervous.
- Be honest and flexible. Try and skip the questions by simply saying sorry rather than rambling or giving wrong or misinformed answers. A flexible approach is better than a firm approach.
- Stay calm and composed.
- Maintain eye contact.
- Keep a check on your pitch and tone.
- Right before closing the interview, try asking for feedback without keeping any fear in your head. It gives your employer a positive impression about you.
- Take follow-ups if and when required.
- If you get the job, always write a thank you email.
Remember – Never give up! CONFIDENCE IS THE KEY to success.
Good luck!