Published By: Alfaraz Laique

How to Surfski: Important Tips for Beginners

Surfski is more than an adventure. It is a blend of adrenaline pumping feeling and seaside fun. With each paddle, it builds confidence inside you. However, it is not easy to master.

As the name suggest, it is a thrilling and rewarding water sport, perfect for anyone looking to challenge themselves and enjoy the open water.

What is Surfski

For those who don’t know, let’s clarify what a surfski is as most people mistaken it for kayak. Yes, it is a form of kayaking but basically a surfski is a long, narrow kayak designed for speed on open water.

Unlike regular kayaks which are quite slow, surfskis have an open cockpit which makes them easier to remount if you fall off. They’re actually build for speed and efficiency which makes them perfect for riding waves and paddling over long distances.

The adventure

It is important to understand that Surfski paddling is not just a workout but it's an adventure. It may seem easy but it combines elements of kayaking, surfing, and endurance training. You’ll improve your balance, build strength, and enjoy the thrill of riding waves as you practice it more and more.

Start with the Right Gear

You know that beginners should look for a stable, entry-level surfski instead of a high quality one. It is essential to understand that stability is key when you’re starting out. If we talk about the equipment, a good paddle makes a huge difference. You can look for one that’s lightweight and comfortable to hold and always wear a life jacket designed for paddling. Use a leash to keep your surfski close if you fall off and before you hit the waves, get comfortable on flat water.


Make sure you sit upright with your back straight and feet resting on the foot pedals. It is because good posture helps with balance and paddling efficiency. Practice getting in and out of your surfski and work on your balance. You can start paddling slowly, focusing on your technique rather than speed.

Paddle Stroke

Keep your strokes smooth and even and try to use your core muscles to paddle, not just your arms. This will help you paddle longer and more efficiently. Embrace falling off as it is a part of the learning process. You should practice getting back on your surfski in calm water so you’re prepared when it happens in rougher conditions.

Build Your Balance

Balance is crucial in surfski paddling and you should spend time working on your balance both on and off the water. Once you’re comfortable on flat water, try paddling in small waves. Approach waves at an angle to maintain stability and practice riding them. Don’t rush into big waves until you feel ready.

Stay Relaxed and Have Fun

It’s normal to feel nervous when you start, but try to stay relaxed. Tension makes balancing harder so you should focus on enjoying the experience and the progress you’re making. As a precaution, always check the weather forecast before heading out. It is best to avoid paddling in strong winds or storms.

As mentioned above, surfski is an amazing sport that offers a mix of excitement, challenge, and calm. You can actually reconnect with your true self as you enjoy this sport.  With the right approach and a bit of patience, you’ll soon be gliding over the water with confidence.