Warming up properly before a weightlifting exercise may improve performance, lower the chance of injury and aid in the transition from previous activities to your workout.
While warming up, it's easy to overlook the importance of prepping your nervous system for action. To get your muscles ready to do a task, your brain sends signals to your central nervous system. Better communication between your mind and body will allow you to perform greater in the gym and get better results.
Despite the fact that it appears to be a high-level technique aimed at elite athletes, it is in fact everything but. Your central nervous system (CNS) can be activated at any time, regardless of whether you're a novice or an accomplished lifter who wants to push yourself to new heights in the gym.
Afferent Nervous System Actions
As we all know, the CNS comprises your brain and spinal cord. Using the peripheral nerve system (PNS), the central communication system sends and receives messages throughout the body.
While exercising, it keeps us in control of our breathing, our movements, and the contraction of our muscles.
Sending the right signals through your autonomic nervous system is critical to effectively preparing your body for the hard work of a strength training session or any physical activity. Even though this part of your neurological system is uncontrollable, you may still convey your objectives to get your body ready for work and ready to execute.
Information is processed by the central nervous system, which influences body functions.
The Importance of Getting Your Central Nervous System (CNS) Activated
You can improve your performance and avoid injuries by engaging your central nervous system (CNS). Think of the procedure as a means of waking up and alerting your entire body to what you're about to embark on.
Preparing your body and mind for a training session by telling it that you're entering a physically challenging condition will help you perform better. It is possible to recruit more motor units by waking up and stimulating your neural system. Lifting weights relies on the power generated by motor units, which power all of the body's voluntary and involuntary movements.
When you workout, your brain is constantly adapting and learning about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Muscle memory is a word used to describe this relationship.
Strength training for the first time, or after a long absence, might feel awkward for the first few workouts or even weeks, depending on your past training experience.
While this is true, once you've done a few workouts, you'll likely be able to raise the weight or number of repetitions you do. In this case, your "muscle memory" is more important than your actual physical ability in causing this phenomena.
Developing a strong mind-muscle link and long-term muscle memory is easier if you teach your central nervous system (CNS) to pay attention and stay awake.