Published By: Sanjukta

Foolproof tips to sleep like a baby on long-haul flights

Investing in a noise-cancelling headphones is a game-changer

Let’s face it: catching Zs on a long-haul flight can feel quite a task.  With pre-flight jitters, excitement about your destination, and the constant buzz of the plane, falling asleep can be a real challenge. But don’t fret! We’ve rounded up ten tried-and-true tips to help you snooze away like a pro—some of which are even backed by science.

Choose your seat beforehand, preferably a window

Who doesn’t love a good window seat? Besides the awesome view, it’s the best spot for snoozing. Being next to the window means you don’t have to worry about getting up for anyone else. You can lean against the window, enjoy the view (or not), and get comfy without interruptions.

Use a neck pillow

Science-Backed Tip: A good-quality neck pillow supports your head and neck, reducing the likelihood of waking up with neck pain. Research shows that a supportive pillow can improve sleep quality during travel.

Choose a red-eye flight

If you’re serious about catching some sleep, consider booking a red-eye flight. These flights leave late at night and arrive early in the morning, which is perfect if you’re already naturally inclined to sleep during these hours. Plus, the darkness helps keep your melatonin levels stable, making it easier to drift off.

Sleep apps to the rescue

Why settle for boring white noise when you can have a sleep playlist? Try using sleep apps or creating a playlist with 'pink noise'—the kind that ebbs and flows like waves or rain. It’s soothing and can help drown out the plane’s hum. You can use calming asmr if that’s more your thing.

Tire out your eyes, read a book

All those times you decided you’d read one book every week and fell asleep everytime? Use that.  Reading before bed helps people relax and tire out their eyes. It is a great way to zone out and tire our eyes and doze off into sleep. Just pick something engaging but not too.

No caffeine or sugary drinks

Skip the coffee and sugary drinks before and during your flight. They might give you a temporary boost, but they’ll also mess with your sleep. Opt for water or herbal tea instead. Chamomile or peppermint tea can help you relax.

Noise-cancelling headphones is a must obviously

Noise-canceling headphones on a long flight wil save you from all the annoying conversations and yelling children on the plane.  They block out the engine noise, chatty passengers, making a quiet bubble around you. Also, play soothing sounds or music to help you drift off.

Reset in advance

If you’re crossing multiple time zones, start adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before you fly. Shift your bedtime gradually to sync up with your destination’s time zone. It’s like giving your internal clock a little nudge so it’s ready to handle the new time zone.

Pack comfortably

Comfort is key for sleeping in long haul flight. Wear loose, breathable clothing and bring a cozy blanket or shawl. You don’t want to be stuck in tight jeans. Wear loose pants, joggers yoga pants,   maybe cotton tees and a blanket or shawl for keeping you warm if needed.

Practice relaxation techniques and stretch before boarding

Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery can help calm your mind and body. These methods have been shown to reduce stress and promote better sleep. Engage in light stretching or walking every few hours. Movement helps improve blood circulation and reduce stiffness, which can make sleeping more comfortable.