Published By: Rinks

Effects Of Air Conditioning On Health: Know All Pros And Cons

Despite its advantages, excessive reliance on air conditioning can lead to several health concerns.

In today's world, air conditioning has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It offers respite from scorching summers and creates a comfortable indoor environment. However, its effects on health are a topic of growing concern and interest. Understanding both the positive and negative impacts of air conditioning on health is crucial for maintaining a balanced approach to its use. Read on!

Benefits of air conditioning

Air conditioning provides immediate relief from heat-related discomfort. It helps to prevent heatstroke and dehydration, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and young children. By regulating indoor temperatures, AC units contribute significantly to maintaining productivity in workplaces and enhancing overall quality of life during extreme weather conditions.

In regions with high humidity, air conditioning also reduces mould and dampness, which can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. It improves air quality by filtering out pollutants and allergens, creating a healthier indoor environment, particularly beneficial for individuals with asthma and other respiratory conditions.

The flip side

Despite its advantages, excessive reliance on air conditioning can lead to several health concerns. Prolonged exposure to cold, dry air can cause skin irritation and dryness.  Furthermore, abrupt temperature changes between indoors and outdoors can strain the body's thermoregulation mechanisms, potentially leading to headaches and fatigue.

Air conditioning systems that are not properly maintained can harbour bacteria and fungi, contributing to the spread of respiratory infections. Additionally, the constant recirculation of indoor air can reduce ventilation, increasing exposure to indoor pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building materials and furnishings.

Optimal use

To maximise the benefits of air conditioning while minimising its negative impacts, several strategies can be implemented:

Temperature settings

Set thermostats to moderate temperatures (around 25-26°C or 78-79°F) to balance comfort and energy efficiency. Avoid drastic temperature differences between indoor and outdoor environments.

Proper maintenance

Regularly clean and replace air filters to prevent the buildup of contaminants. Ensure that air conditioning systems are serviced annually to maintain optimal performance and air quality.


Incorporate natural ventilation whenever possible by opening windows during cooler times of the day. This helps to improve air circulation and reduces reliance on air conditioning.

Hydration and skin care

Stay hydrated and use moisturisers to combat the drying effects of air conditioning on the skin. Consider using a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air if necessary.

Time management

Use air conditioning selectively during peak heat hours and turn it off when not needed, such as during cooler evenings and nights.

The environmental perspective

Beyond personal health considerations, air conditioning also impacts the environment. Energy consumption associated with AC units contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change. As global temperatures rise, the demand for air conditioning is expected to increase, creating a cyclical challenge.

By adopting practices that optimise comfort without compromising health or the environment, people and communities can navigate the dynamics of air conditioning effectively. Awareness, moderation, and proactive maintenance are key to ensuring that the benefits of air conditioning outweigh its potential drawbacks in the quest for healthier, sustainable living environments.