Easy yet natural remedies to give your toddler a sound sleep

  • Sohini
  • 05 March, 2022
  • 2 mins ago

Sleep troubles at night are quite common for young children and toddlers, resulting in incomplete sleep and persistent yawning, grogginess and lack of focus in activities.

Quite often, parents witness their toddlers and young children having difficulty sleeping at night, leading to constant crying and irritation. This nighttime disruption brought in by new parenthood may result from a range of reasons related to teething, illness or any other factors. Now dealing with "babies not sleeping at night" can indeed be a loaded issue, particularly for the young parents with job schedules and other chores. This article explores some of the easiest natural remedies to cure nighttime disruption and help toddlers and young children sleep better at night.

Helping babies to sleep better with night light

Toddlers and young children really find it difficult to sleep at night in the presence of complete darkness. For toddlers, waking up at night suddenly in the dark appears to them as a confusion when they can’t see any light in the room and search for comfort from their mom and dad. This situation can easily be mended out by setting a night light in the room with a soft ambient light tone which can help your child sleep better with less sleep disruptions at night.

A healthy snack before bedtime

Wrong food before bedtime can not only keep the child awake at night but can also disturb the child with constant irritability caused by stomach ache. As a solution to this, a healthy snack before bedtime prepared from whole-grain cereal, banana, milk or a warm serving of oatmeal can help the toddler feel full and sleep better at night without any recurring nighttime disruptions.

Preparing a bedtime routine

Toddlers mostly sleep all through the 24 hours of the day while being unaware of whether it's day time or night time. Now, most parents get confused when they see their toddler sleeping all through the day while staying busy and staring blank at night, quite annoying right? Now to begin with, a simple solution is to prepare for a nighttime routine as a habit and a purpose to make your baby aware of the day time and night time. Nighttime as sleeping routine may involve a bath, a fun game, a little bedtime story and swaddling, which would help the baby’s mind and body to understand that it's time to sleep. This nighttime routine should be maintained in the same manner until the baby learns about the difference between daytime and nighttime and until it becomes a habit.

These are some of the easiest and natural home remedies to give your toddler a proper sound sleep at night and deduce the nighttime disruptions.  

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