Common Triggers of Fatigue that are Often Neglected

Sometimes it is a no-brainer to trace persistent tiredness and melancholia that refuse to subside even with the carefully curated system of rewards and gratifications: the daily habits

Sometimes it is a no-brainer to trace persistent tiredness and melancholia that refuse to subside even with the carefully curated system of rewards and gratifications: the daily habits

In modern lifestyle, fatigue is a common consequence. Diet, work environment, chronic illnesses, medication, and environmental pollution are prevalent causes of fatigue that make one jittery, cranky, absent-minded, dizzy with sore muscles, slowed reflexes, and cognitively slow or impaired in certain cases.  Fatigue encompasses a range of negative experiences such as demotivation, restlessness, muscle weakness, and inability to concentrate, and prolonged exposure to it may cause a weakened immune system and susceptibility to diseases, body pain, and reduced physical endurance.

At this juncture, it is crucial to assess whether some of the nonchalant and reckless habits are contributing to fatigue on a daily basis and if those could be curbed.

Binge-eating and/or Lack of Nutrition

Excessive and frequent indulgence in processed and canned foods could be a convenient and stress-free option but at what cost? Binge-eating is one of the primary causes of acute deprivation of nutrition and high intake of sugar. Junk foods lead to a rapid increase in insulin levels that instantly exhaust all energy. Unless the diet has essential vitamins and minerals incorporated, it is easy to feel drained and finicky. Using a nutrition tracker app to integrate some drastic changes in diet and consciously control cravings might be the right step towards increasing the body's functionalities. Complex carbohydrates, protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, and healthy fats better equip the body to deal with fatigue.

Constant Sipping on Caffeine or Caffeinated Drinks

While optimum consumption of caffeine can improve productivity and energy levels, excess caffeine could be counterproductive. Chronic caffeine use, especially later in the day, can interfere with sleep patterns and prepare a perpetual physical dependence in which case the body will require caffeine to function normally. The effects of caffeine are typically short-lived, lasting a few hours before wearing off. In the long term, caffeine causes dehydration and palpitation making the body weak. Being cognizant of the daily caffeine intake and hydration is necessary for giving in to this trigger.

Workout Overload

Excess physical activity such as Zumba or exercises in the hopes of compensating for some other days. This strategy backfires as the body is subjected to strain which does more harm than good. It is never advised to push the body beyond its limits on one fine day, out of the blues. Besides energy depletion, over-exercising puts immense mental stress, which affects performance, motivation, and mental well-being and makes one vulnerable to physical injuries. The goodness of maintaining a regular pace while working out and slowly increasing the load cannot be emphasised enough. The body should receive ample rest and time to recover to ensure the heart and muscles are at their best working capacity.  

Rotational Shifts at Work

Rotational shifts, which include working during the day and night-time, essentially meddle with the circadian rhythm, rendering body’s ability to rest and function ineffective. Consistently not getting enough quality sleep accumulates sleep debt, leading to chronic fatigue and impaired cognitive function. This misalignment results in feelings of isolation and loneliness further aggravating occurrences of stress and fatigue. Meditation, deep breathing, or yoga are immediate stress-relievers, but incorporating a balanced diet and exercise are crucial for long-term wellness. Strategize light exposure during the day and keep it minimal to reset circadian rhythm and help the body recuperate.

Fatigue can significantly impair the quality of life, affecting personal and professional spheres. Addressing the root causes, whether lifestyle-related or medical, is crucial for managing and alleviating fatigue. Experts vouch for social support, cutting down on stimulants, and frequent breaks if feelings of fatigue become too overwhelming.

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