Why is Ecological Planning so important?
More problems arise trying to change the environment than to adapt to it.
Every time a new structure or housing complex is built, the land is abused and, frequently, its natural state is given very little thought. The use of ecological design and strategic environmental planning is necessary in this situation.
Ecological planning: What is it?
The development of the ecological planning for the land is based on the year-round ecological evaluation. Although it is designed with the land's future needs in mind, the main goal is to strengthen the natural systems there. The goal of ecological planning is to improve the biodiversity of the land while guaranteeing the health of essential resources like soil and water.There are two categories of ecological planning strategies. One is a "purist" approach, where the goal is to recreate the natural environment without any hopes of making money off the property. The alternative strategy is an integrated one, wherein a development will incorporate both ecological principles and certain profits from the land.
The concept of ecological design by Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan as "any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes" ensures a decrease in environmental damage and in energy use and, generally speaking, an improvement in quality of life. Some design components may be incorporated, depending on the land's natural curves and flow. For instance, if a house or building is being constructed on a plot of land, solar energy may be used to naturally heat the structure without the need for solar panels. The use of an intricate irrigation system may be avoided when native plants are incorporated into the landscaping. On the fraction of the excess land not being used for traditional development, we at GreenVest frequently assist in the design and construction of the restoration of affected systems.
Our everyday projects, such as the Trout Brook turnkey mitigation project (located in Northern New Jersey) and the Tinkers Creek MS4 5-mile stream restoration project (located in Prince George's County, Maryland), have been made possible by cutting-edge technology. While final design and permitting are proceeding for our stream restoration project in Maryland, restoration work has already been completed for our Trout Brook project.
Therefore, the natural systems may be leveraged to assist manage groundwater recharge and storm drain patterns being established as a consequence of the infrastructure enhancement projects, both projects require thorough planning and coordination between the engineers designing the locations.
Ecological recovery
Ecological restoration aims to return the environment to its original, evident state. Here, a number of restoration approaches and techniques are used to restore damaged ecosystems.The objective and design of the restoration strategy are aided by ecological assessments of the surrounding area and the Reference ecosystem. Any degraded area may be restored using methods like loose boulder bunds to contain soil and moisture, grass protection to increase biomass, dry fence and live hedge protection that also serves as a nesting place for birds, and protection of grasses.
Fundamental to ecological restoration
Site protection Lower temperatures
Prevent erosion
Boost moisture protection for explorers
Maintain safe areas
Encourage microbial life
Make new environments
Examine effluents.
Create hedging
Control intrusive
Develop indigenous species
Planning for the environment
Whether a project involves one acre or hundreds, site allocation must take future usage into account. This use may be determined using present ecological observations.The biodiversity and natural systems that already exist on the land are respected through ecological master planning. It genuinely makes an effort to improve its standing, create some connectedness throughout the area, and create corridors that are a part of the greater environment.
For instance, if a stream network is conserved together with its riparian zone, it will ensure connection; a road shouldn't cut through a healthy forest; and it might not be a good idea to construct a home close to an old growth tree that is home to a variety of species that could be driven away by noise or light.