Published By: Rinks

Why do most brands use palm oil for their products?

Explore the widespread use of palm oil in consumer products and the health implications associated with its consumption.

Palm oil has become a ubiquitous ingredient in countless consumer products, from food and cosmetics to household cleaners and biofuels. While its widespread use offers several advantages for manufacturers, concerns about its impact on health and the environment persist. Let’s delve into why most brands opt for palm oil and examine its implications for our health. Read on!

Versatility and Stability

Palm oil boasts a unique combination of qualities that make it highly desirable for manufacturers. Its semi-solid consistency at room temperature and resistance to oxidation lend stability to processed foods, extending shelf life and reducing the need for artificial preservatives.


Palm oil is one of the most cost-effective vegetable oils available, making it an attractive choice for companies seeking to minimise production costs. Its high yield per hectare of land also contributes to its affordability compared to other oil crops.

Functional properties

Beyond its role as a cooking oil, palm oil serves as a versatile ingredient in a wide range of products. It enhances texture, imparts creaminess, and provides a neutral flavour profile, making it a preferred ingredient in baked goods, confectionery, margarine, and non-dairy alternatives.

IS palm oil healthy for us?

Processing methods

The refining process used to produce palm oil can affect its nutritional profile. Highly processed palm oil may contain trans fats and other harmful compounds formed during refining, posing additional health risks when consumed in excess.

Impact on nutrient absorption

The high saturated fat content of palm oil can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, which are crucial for bone health and overall well-being. A diet rich in palm oil may compromise nutrient absorption and lead to deficiencies over time.

Making informed choices

Read labels

Be vigilant when purchasing products and scrutinise ingredient labels for hidden sources of palm oil. Look for alternatives that use healthier oils, such as olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil, which offer nutritional benefits without the same health concerns associated with palm oil.

Choose sustainable options

Support brands that prioritise sustainability and transparency in their palm oil sourcing practices. Look for products certified by credible organisations like the RSPO, which adhere to stringent sustainability criteria and promote ethical production methods.

Moderation is key

While palm oil can be part of a balanced diet, moderation is essential. Limit consumption of processed foods containing palm oil and prioritise whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients for optimal health.

Advocate for change

Raise awareness about the environmental and health implications of palm oil production and consumption. Encourage brands to prioritise sustainability and offer healthier alternatives to palm oil in their products.

While palm oil offers numerous benefits for manufacturers in terms of functionality, cost, and versatility, its widespread use raises legitimate concerns about its impact on health and the environment. As consumers, we have the power to make informed choices and advocate for responsible palm oil sourcing practices. By understanding the implications of palm oil consumption and supporting brands committed to sustainability and transparency, we can promote healthier lifestyles and contribute to a more sustainable future.