What if: Tips for surviving alien invasion
With our vast, in-depth knowledge of extraterrestrial movies, we tell some important points for surviving an alien invasion.
The pandemic of the year 2020 has taught us one thing, that is to be prepared for anything. Could you have ever imagined while celebrating the new year of 2020 that we have to be indoor for almost the whole of the year? It is better to prepare than to repent later. And after the pandemic scare, what worse can happen to mankind, maybe an Alien invasion? So, fire and meteorites are falling from the sky at an unprecedented speed; your power supply is cut off, your dog (where is my dog?) is missing. Well, based on our expert knowledge of science fictions, it seems like an alien invasion. Alien invasion is all about survival. So, tighten the belt (can be anything, seat belt or waist belt) and let’s see the tips for surviving an alien invasion.
Avoid lonely, dark and deserted roads.
Aliens are a peculiar race; they generally won’t send out their itinerary before coming. And the most probable spot to meet them or bump into them would be lonely deserted roads. We can say that on the basis of hundreds of claimed Alien abductions.
Avoid vlogging the invasion.
All the budding vloggers, you can vlog about anything at all, but please avoid vlogging the end of humanity. Because there is no guarantee, you would be alive to post that vlog on social media. Try to run and leave the camera at home, where it should be.
Hiding in national monuments is a strict no-no.
If the science fiction movies have told us anything about Aliens is that they particularly have special hatred towards our beloved national monument. Do you remember “Independence Day” and “Mars attack”? Remember when Columbus landed in America. His first step can become the last step for a native American, who was thrown out of America.
Store and ration your essentials.
Now comes the time when we should store and ration all the kitchen supplies and then sit back and relax as basic as a drinking water bottle should be kept with you and in the house. The medical supplies and first aid box should not be avoided at any costs.
Biological war fear.
Scientist believes that if we ever wanted upper-hand in a situation of war, we should let Aliens taste water or even air because our earth is full of viruses and bacteria that may or may not make Aliens sick. We can give it a try. So, sneeze and cough on their faces and then run for your life!
Although it seems like there is no immediate danger of Corona, it is better to be safe than sorry.