Ways To Beat Monday Blues

Here's how you rethink your living-for-the-weekend mindset.

For some the proverbial Monday Blues can start 'acting up' from the preceding Sunday afternoon. For those with a classic case of that malady, weekends can't fly any the less sooner. Here's how you rethink your living-for-the-weekend mindset.

Quality Sleep

Chances are that one might 'celebrate' a weekend by staying awake late, either partying with friends, binge watching a series or listening to music till the wee hours. This is especially true if the leading week had been really hard to get through. It may be OK, if you have an off on Saturdays. But, if it is not so, then lack of adequate sleep can make one feel fatigued. Waking up feeling not well-rested can aggravate the mood.

Pamper Yourself

One can utilise the rest day by indulging in soft activities for oneself. Treat yourself to a relaxing full body spa or do a brunch with a meet up. You can plan some fun activity with your family as well. It is important to prevent work from encroaching on your psyche and just enjoy the break. Additionally, don't consider Monday as a chore but the beginning of your next weekend cycle.

Work Can Wait

Unless it is extremely urgent and necessary, plug yourself completely off from work. Resist checking your work mails and texts. One needs to draw a clear boundary between work and life. If you absolutely must, spend 15-20 minutes after dinner on Sunday to prepare for Monday.

Prepare A Happy And Worry List

Just like penning down your thoughts can bring a certain clarity about them, listing your happy and worry points can help you understand things from a proper perspective. In some cases, you can append your worry list with a 'what's the worst that can happen?' notes.

While the worry points can help you to release your stress, the happy list might make you feel more positive about the coming week. This can help you become more productive.

Go Easy On The To-do Work List

Spread out your work schedule over the week. Sometimes, it pays to plan for only half of the week. Overloading your Mondays with all the work will put unnecessary pressure on you. This over-eagerness to be productive will do more harm than good.

Life Beyond Work

Workaholics have a particular tendency of centering everything they do around their work. But, that can also result in early burnout. Do have some plans beyond work. It does not have to be too elaborate. Even simple goals like catching up on a book / movie will keep your mind fresh and motivated.

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