Ways Famous Authors Dealt With Writer's Block
Here are ways to deal with writer's block.
Almost every writer at some point in time has encountered writer's block. Some of the famous writer's all over the world, like Stephen King and Leo Tolstoy, have had this experience. Getting over writer's block can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are many writers who have gotten through it and went on to produce amazing work. What's more, there are many solutions to this one problem. Different authors have different techniques. Here is how some famous writers dealt with writer's block.
Maya Angelou on writer's block
Maya Angelou is known to the world for her amazing books and poems. However, she is has had to deal with writer's block. Even though she is not reportedly fond of the term, she did come up with a strategy to overcome it. Angelou decided to keep on writing even if what was produced was not her best work. She would write for weeks even if it wasn't good. Until she was able to come up with something good. Many other writers agree this method can do wonders. An anonymous Penguin Random House author reportedly recommended writing anything even if it is rubbish and you don't want anyone to see it.
Ray Bradbury thought it was a sign
Whenever Ray Bradbury found writer's block was creeping in, he took it as a sign that he was not on the right track. When you feel blocked when writing, he said in a 2001 speech, that you are being warned. He felt the cure for it was to stop what you are writing and try something else. Maybe you need a new subject. You need to examine whether what you are currently writing is false or weak. When you find the right path you could produce some authentic, true and powerful work.
JhumpaLahiri believes it is part of the process of writing
For Lahiri, writer’s block is simply part of the process of writing. It is the time she believes when ideas gestate in the mind. The story starts to formulate even if it is not yet on the page. She prefers to take a break from writing and read a book as a solution to writer's block. Revisit your work later and read every page from beginning to end with a fresh perspective. Joan Didion dealt with being blocked by putting her manuscript in her freezer.