Vegetables and fruits that you can regrow from scraps
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 08 November, 2021
- 2 mins ago

Vegetables and fruits that you can regrow from scraps
One of the most effective ways to reduce waste and save money is to regrow vegetables and fruits. With enough labour, time and sunshine, many leftover scraps can be used to regrow nutritious and fresh garden produce. Read further to know about such flora.
Lettuce and cabbage
Any type of lettuce, cabbage, and bok choi head can be regrown in a sunny spot in your home garden without much hassle. A shallow dish and the leftover head of the vegetable from where the leaves grow is all you need. These vegetables are low in calories and provide ample fiber and crunch on your palate. After leaving for some time, the leaves will begin to sprout; you can then choose to plant them in your potter or garden.
Green Onion
Also known as spring onion or scallions, they are yet another low carb vegetables that packs minerals and vitamin K. Place the leftover white bulb in a water container like a shot glass. After a few days of sunshine and plenty of changing the water, you will start seeing the green leaves. Keep in cutting them as needed, and with much care, they will keep in popping again.
Garlic punches in lots of health benefits and also adds tremendous flavour to your savory dishes or salads. All you need to regrow garlic sprouts or whole garlic is leftover cloves. Place the leftover clove of the garlic with the green sprout tip upside. With water, patience and sunshine, you will see green sprout that can be used in salads or other dishes. In springtime, you can plant cloves in your garden to harvest whole garlic!
Also known as cilantro, this is a magic herb that adds flavour and elevates the taste of any dish, be it salads, gravy dishes or bakes. But do you know it is super easy to regrow this magical herb? Place the stem of the herb in a glass of water and put it in a sunny spot in your house. Soon you will see some roots propagating; when they are around three inches long, plant it in a planter or your garden.
Ginger is yet another magical plant that adds tremendous flavour to your dishes and is also a great source of antioxidants. You need a large ginger root piece, also known as a rhizome. Plant them in a pot, not too deep. In some time, the leaves will start growing; you can harvest the ginger once a month as it grows slowly!
Apart from these, even potatoes, basil, celery can be easily grown from scraps.