Published By: Riya Banerjee

Top exotic flowers around the world

Among the millions of flowers on our earth, these are the ones that are the most unique.

Don’t you love stopping and smelling a flower once in a while? Nature doesn’t fail to amaze us with the millions of species of flowers which boast different colours, different smells and different appearances as well. Flowering plants can be broadly classified into two categories – endemic and exotic. For the uninitiated, endemic flowers are the ones that can be grown only in certain places with certain geographical conditions. While exotic are the ones that can be taken to a foreign land and they adapt as well as flourish there. The demands for these exotic flowers are huge, and they are often used for fancy flower arrangements. So, let’s take a look at few of such exotic flowers...

  • Tulips – The name of this flower has to be added to any exotic list. The word ‘tulip’ comes from a Persian word which means turban. There are around 3000 varieties of tulips and 150 different species in the world. These bulbous flowers bloom in spring, and they open for only 5-7 days.
  • Lotus – Considered as one of the most exotic flowers, these aquatic beauties showcase purity, harmony, and divinity. They are found mostly in pink and white colours and have multiple layers. The flower opens in the morning and closes at night.
  • Birds of Paradise – These extremely gorgeous flowers come in the colour of bright orange and blue and look a lot like a tropical bird. In South Africa, it is also known as Crane Flower and features in their 50 cent coin. These will look great in a bouquet, undoubtedly!
  • Anthurium – You may think that these flowers are common, but they fall in the exotic category. They are available in red, white, and pink colours and in general, they symbolise hospitality; thus you might see them feature in wedding decorations.
  • Ecuador Roses – Roses have always been a favourite choice among many when it comes to flower decorations and making bouquets. These Ecuador roses are considered exotic because of their height. You may not believe it, but these can grow up to be over five feet tall! They even bloom for a longer period of time than a normal rose.
  • Heliconia – These are also known as lobster claw plants or parrot flower. These flowers are available in bright red, green, orange, and yellow colours. Known for their peculiar shape, these beautiful flowers are one of a kind and surely a great addition to your garden!