Things to expect after the first day at the gym
No gain, no pain. And that’s so true.
- Riya Banerjee
- 28 August, 2024
- 2 mins ago
No gain, no pain. And that’s so true.
There are so many after-effects of going to the gym for the first time; and I don’t mean lifted spirits and a toned stomach. The benefits of exercising are uncountable. It gets you healthier, in shape and fit, improves your endurance, tones your body and so much more. Whatever your goal is for joining the gym won’t be achieved in a week’s time though. Working on your body takes time, especially when walking out of your house to pick up pizza delivery is the only workout you do and care about. But now that you’re on your last two minutes of your warm up session, you’re already seeing spots. But that’s fine. It’s normal.
Here are a few things to expect after the first day at the gym
Every step you take, all the years of laziness will gurgle out like jet-stream out of a faucet. Expect soreness of muscles called DOMS -delayed muscle onset soreness - the rite of passage for any first-time gym goers. The ache you feel in your arms, calves and legs is quite normal and is caused due to tiny muscle tears when you workout for the first time. The ache normally goes away within a week.
You will feel hungrier
Since you are burning more calories than you usually do, your body craves for more food. A post-workout snack will help to curb the hunger before mealtime. But its wiser to opt for healthier carbs than junk food.
Boost in confidence? Oh yes
The healthier you get, more confident you will be. Exercising levels up the mental strength and boosts your self-confidence.
Skin might break out too
The excessive sweating can make the skin more prone to acne and breakout. Know that its normal. Use a towel to wipe off the sweat. Shower immediately after you’re done.
Stress is easier to manage
Sweating off stress at the gym can be highly therapeutic, once you get past the huffing and puffing stage. It won’t solve all your problems, but it does put you in the self-care mood and that can be helpful too.
Times when you want to quit
There will be times when you’ll want to quit and know that’s quite normal. The trick is to get past those moments of doubt. Talk to a confidante, the gym trainer – anyone who can push you to continue.