Published By: Orna Ghosh

The Power of Plants: Indoor Gardening Ideas to Liven Up Your Monsoon Days

The monsoon paints India a vibrant green, but constant rain and humidity leave you feeling cooped up indoors. Don't let the gloomy weather dampen your spirits! 

Here's where the power of plants comes in. Indoor gardening is a fantastic way to add life, colour, and a touch of nature to your space, especially during the monsoon months.

Benefits of Indoor Gardening During Monsoon

Natural Air Purifiers

Plants act as natural air filters, absorbing pollutants and releasing fresh oxygen. It is especially beneficial during monsoons when increased humidity can trap dust and allergens indoors.

Mood Boosters

Studies have shown that surrounding yourself with greenery can reduce stress, improve concentration, and boost your mood.

A Touch of the Outdoors

When venturing outside isn't an option, indoor plants bring a sense of the outdoors into your home.

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Monsoon Garden

Light Levels

Not all plants have equal light requirements. Assess your living space- do you have bright, indirect sunlight, or is your space more on the shady side? Choose plants that thrive in those conditions. Low-light tolerant options include ZZ plants, snake plants, and pothos.

Humidity Levels

During monsoon, humidity levels rise. Take advantage of this by selecting plants that love moisture, like ferns, air plants, and clothes. However, avoid plants that prefer drier environments, as they might develop fungal diseases in the high humidity.

Maintenance Needs

Consider your lifestyle. Do you enjoy frequent interaction with their plants, or are you looking for low-maintenance options? Snake plants, spider plants, and succulents require minimal attention, while orchids and bonsai trees need more care.

Indoor Gardening Ideas for Your Monsoon Haven

Vertical Garden

Maximize space with a vertical garden. Hang planters on walls, create a living wall with shelves or pockets, or use a hanging rack to display trailing plants.

Tiered-Planter Stand

Tiered planters are a space-saving solution, allowing you to display various plants at different heights. It adds visual interest and creates a lush, layered effect.

Terrarium Magic

Terrariums are miniature, self-contained ecosystems perfect for creating a lush green world on your table or windowsill. They're relatively low-maintenance and come in various sizes and styles.

Herb Garden on Your Windowsill

Enjoy fresh herbs year-round by creating a windowsill herb garden. Choose herbs like mint, basil, parsley, and oregano that thrive in bright, indirect sunlight and moist soil.

Monsoon Plant Care Tips

Adjust Watering

While monsoon brings rain, don't overwater your indoor plants. The increased humidity means they might need less frequent watering than usual. Check the soil moisture before watering, and avoid letting your plants sit in waterlogged soil.

Good air circulation is crucial to prevent fungal diseases during the monsoon. Open windows and doors whenever possible to allow fresh air to circulate.

Reduce Fertilizer Usage

Most plants experience slower growth during the monsoon. Reduce fertilizer application to avoid root damage.

Watch for Pests

Increased humidity can attract pests like fungus gnats and mealybugs. Regularly inspect your plants and use organic pest control methods like neem oil if necessary.

With these tips and ideas, you can create a vibrant indoor oasis that thrives during the monsoon season. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your favourite gardening gloves, and get ready to experience the joy of nurturing life indoors! 

Hence, you'll create a beautiful space and discover a rewarding and therapeutic hobby as you watch your plants flourish.