The Impact Of Culture On Moral Behavior
Cultural influences shape the integrity of our character!
The practice of culture plays a vital role in shaping one's moral values. A person's social responsibility, family behavior and ability to make political decisions are built on these moral values. The overall behavior of a person can be assessed by judging the significance of the depth of his moral compass. Although multiple factors are a determinant of our moral standards, the direct influence of culture is the most significant among them.
Ethical behavior: The result of four combined elements
When we do an action, we usually start by thinking about the consequences of that action. Moral reasoning is the practical ability to govern the moral values we have acquired by managing our every action, behavior and word. Our moral reasoning is responsible for the sense of right and wrong, justice and injustice that pervades us. Judging by the manner in which a person's behavior is applied to his moral reasoning, a clear picture of that person's character traits is obtained. Moral reasoning shapes our decision-making ability. Our moral values are guided by four factors, creating the conditions to consider the dimensions of our moral choice.
Moral sensitivity, motivation, character and justice
The ability to empathize with how our actions affect others defines sensitivity. As a mature person, the ability to accept responsibility for the consequences of one's actions enhances your motivation. Determining which emotions will act as the influencing factor behind a person's way of doing things will influence your character. Depending on the situation, the ability to make decisions using moral reasoning, defines moral justice.
The significance of culture as a regulator of moral values
The combined way of life, working methods, moral rationality and attitudes of a single individual or group in a particular region are governed by the prevailing cultural ideology of the nations living in that region. The moral beliefs, moral character and moral sensitivities of a single individual or group are ruled by the context of cultural history. Cultural norms evolve into a specific set of beliefs as they are passed down from generation to generation. From setting the rules of daily life to setting the moral standards of a cultural group or creating guidelines for moral character, the moral rationality and values defined by culture help us to cultivate a sense of security, integrity and equality.
The role of culture in shaping the moral values of Indians
Our country India is a meeting place of people of different races, languages, religions and cultures. So much plurality and diversity has given us a very neutral and definite impetus behind the formation of morality in our character. Hospitality and respect are the best examples of Indian morality. Ideological beliefs and homogeneous cultural attitudes have made the territory of our country a safe haven for all Indians.