Published By: Nirtika Pandita

The benefits of cow cuddling therapy

Just like any other pet, hugging a cow can help you relax and de-stress

For years now the benefits of having a pet around have been told to us. It is said that having a pet, either a dog or a cat can help us emotionally and brings us calm. But what if we tell you that petting a larger animal like say a cow, is beneficial mentally? Well, a practice that is widely popular among the people of the rural town of Reuver in the Netherlands called ‘Koeknuffelen’, meaning embrace the cow.

Now the trend has slowly taken up to the charms of the other western countries, who are embracing the cow by calling it ‘cuddling the cow’.

How does it function? Now don’t go around hugging any cow you find on the road. While this practice is yet to be started in India, considering we have cows everywhere, abroad it is practiced on a farm. Once the cow cuddlers arrive they are given a walk around the farm. Then they rest against a cow for two to three hours.

It is said that the cow’s warmer body temperature and slower heartbeat gives people a calming experience. But in return, you too have to give the cow a gentle and warm backrub reclining against them. However, be aware because if the cow gets friendly she might even lick you. Also, you can brush, pet, and chat with the animals and connect with nature, and your inner self.

Multiple mental health benefits Just this simple act of hugging a cow helps improve one’s mental health, greatly affecting issues like relieving stress and lowering anxiety. According to a 2007 study in the Journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science titled ‘Cow pats help cattle relax’ it is stated that among other animals cows show reflexes of deep relaxation by stretching out and allowing their ears to fall back when massaged in the neck and upper back.

The study further highlights that any domesticated animal will show signs of pleasure and relaxation when given a rub or a massage. According to the researchers, these acts of affection for animals also apply to cats, dogs, and various other farm animals.

As per the published study, the cows’ heart rates were monitored and the cows stretch out their necks and let their ears fall, which are signs of deep relaxation when they were stroked on the upper back and the neck areas.

The latest trend According to BBC, hugging a cow is the latest wellness trend that people are embracing under this pandemic as a coping mechanism. It was reported that this practice supposedly reduces stress in humans by releasing the social bonding hormone oxytocin.