The art of audio storytelling
Storytelling is one of the most loved art forms across the world which can be done through various mediums. Storytellers have used mediums like photos, literature, videos and acts to tell their stories. One of the most known and oldest forms of storytelling, however, is audio storytelling.
Audio storytelling is not limited to stories. It consist different forms of stories told through audio. The voice of the actors, the dialogues, the music and background, they all form the basis for audio storytelling. When we say audio storytelling is an art, we mean it because there is lack of visuals in audio stories. Let’s talk about the aspects that make it an art.
Sound effects – Sound effects are most important elements of audio storytelling. An audio story heavily depends on sound effects since they help in conveying the emotional aspects of the story. Without sound effects, a person or a group might not understand what is going on and it lacks realism and clarity. Sound effects can help in conveying the story to the listeners and they have the ability to enhance the mood of the story. They are widely used in many kinds of audio productions like a radio drama or a podcast. You cannot imagine an audio story without the use of sound effects as it will look plain to the human ears.
Script – Audio storytelling, as the name tells us, is an audio only medium. Therefore, it needs complete attention to the detail in writing. The script of an audio story should be written while giving complete emphasis to what is happening in the story. It should contain necessary points about the important aspects and should cover all the elements. While scripting, one should write all necessary points like the use of sfx, background music, etc.
Music – Music plays an important role in all forms of storytelling. Music is used to enhance the mood of the story and it is an intelligent technique for transition in the story. Music can be there in the background or at the foreground, depending on the theme of the story. It is present in podcasts, radio drama, feature, audio documentaries and other audio storytelling.
Silence – Well, silence plays an equally important role in an audio story as music. One can use silence in various ways. It can be used to give a moment to slow things down or can be used as an emotional release in the story. Silence plays a vital role in our life too and it should be carefully observed while thinking about different types of storytelling.