Texting Etiquettes: Some dos and don’ts to remember while texting
- Priyadarshini Kaul Mishra
- 02 February, 2022
- 2 mins ago

Texting Etiquettes: Some dos and don’ts to remember while texting
Convenience, casualness to connect and instant response nature makes texting the most used medium to communicate nowadays. Here are some etiquettes that will make your texting perfect.
Do reply as soon as you can
When you reply promptly to a text message, it is called etiquette and meets with the general expectation that a response will be communicated immediately. Reading a message that calls for a response and not replying is rude. This does not mean that you cling to your mobile all time; it just means reply as soon as possible.
Keep your texts precise
As instant texting is defined as a short means of communication, you have to keep your texts short and precise. When you send a long text, it becomes cumbersome for the recipient to read and reply. In case you have lots to say, send short broken texts or pick up the phone and call the person.
Refrain from texting at untimely moments
The main blunder people make while texting is not taking care of when and where they are texting. For reference, texting while you are in a public gathering is considered rude and annoying to people around. If you can’t and have to reply to an important message, excuse yourself and go outside to text not disturbing people around. Moreover, don’t text too early or too late in the day as you don’t want to disturb people.
Always re-read before sending and double-check the recipient
You would want to save yourself from some embarrassment that may arise if you send a funny or offensive typo-laden message; the solution, re-read your message before sending it. Also, be mindful of the autofill while selecting the recipient’s name to save you from a disconcerting situation.
Never text sensitive news
Any life-altering news such as divorce, retrenchment, or any other unfortunate event must never be shared via text. Such news must accompany a humane touch which a text fails at; you would want a correct tone, facial expression, and body language to break such discomforting news with someone. Otherwise, it can be really hurtful.
Be mindful of the grammar
Although the text is a convenient and informal way of communication quickly, it doesn’t mean you can be grammatically disastrous while sending one. Overdose of abbreviations, emojis, emoticons can unsettle many as they may not be comfortable using or understanding them. Don’t go overboard.
And for safety’s sake, never drive and text!